8.He is a stalker!

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 "Alright then. Listen all of you, note down these page numbers. I need all of you to practice those for tomorrow's test." Students groaned immediately.

"Ma'am please held the exam after holidays!" one of the students shouts from back. All the others are nodding their heads like a doll in agreement. I look at them seriously and shake my head.

"Ma'am please!" they sing-song in unison. I exhale looking at them, they are 9th grade kids and still they are behaving like 6th grade. I clear my throat, "Enough all of you! No post-pone, I'm going to give another home work to do in holidays. Tomorrow is exam. At 5.00pm. No more pleases." I said sternly, all of them groaned in protest. I turn to board and chuckle.

Mathematics is a bitch, it's their words not mine. They pleases continued for another two minutes so I turn around to show some mercy on them.

"Okay, okay. Listen, I will not give any homework for Dusshera holidays if you score an A in tomorrow's test. Take it or leave it. No more bargain." I say looking at their pouting faces and grin. Kids. I start to say the page numbers but stop when office boy comes to the door and informs that I have visitors. Not Visitor. Visitors? I nod to him and turn to students and quickly say about the test details and made my way down the stairs. Slowly. Slowly. I chant while walking down the stairs, careful not tip over myself.

My face broke into huge grin when I step into front office lobby. They are grinning from ear to ear when they saw me.

"Avinash! Lasya!" I jog to them and hug Lasya tightly.

"Omg, Lee! It's so good to see your girlie!" Las says knocking my breath out of me. I giggle and hug her more tightly.

"Hey buddy," Avinash says ruffling my hair like I'm kid. I pull away from Las to look at him, "Avi! You changed at lot, when have you shaved your head?" I ask amusingly taking his hand but instead he pulls me to side hug.

He smiles at me and touches his head, "I went to Tirumala two days back before coming here. Anyway, how are you, Bree?" I move away from him, I know he is asking about our loss. I swallow the lump forming in my throat; he lost his best friend too. I shake my head and clear my throat, "I'm fine guys. When did you both come here? Las, where are you staying?" I ask both of them because Avi is local guy and Lasya is from Kovvur. Avi narrows his eyes at change of topic but I ignore his stare and smile at them.

Lasya touches my arm, "This is all Avinash's plan, and we planned to surprise you before going to my town."

I grin, "oh! Hey! What about Prabhu? Where is that pig now?" I ask remembering the last time I saw him. I saw him sobbing for his friend. Avinash exhales looking down, "He is in US, Bree." What? I don't know that he went to USA.

"Oh." I mumble and look away from them.

"Anyway, when is your work going to end? We will go out somewhere. Right Avi?" Lasya asks trying to cheer my mood. She always does that.

"Yep, we would like to know more about our teacher." Avi winks.

I laugh, "Okay, I will meet you guys in an hour. I'm feeling bad for making you wait, hey, you can wait in my house till then? I will get you my keys." I say turning around to leave.

"Nah Bree, don't worry about that, Las is going to stay with you tonight. We will roam outside for a while and come get you in an hour, then we will eat somewhere. Is it okay with you?" Avi asks making his brows raise. I would love to spend time with them but I look down at myself, I'm wearing my old red kurti and black legging.

"Look at me, I'm in my old Kurti. I want to change before going out." I say like a child.

"You look fine babe, that color suits you. Just finish your work and call us." Lasya says poking my forehead. I smile.

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