20.How does he look like?

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I blink my eyes rapidly, I want to sleep but my heart is saying to wake up and look at him

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I blink my eyes rapidly, I want to sleep but my heart is saying to wake up and look at him.

Him? Who?

My eyes flutter open when I remember about last night and I turn to my right to see empty floor? He's gone already? It's still little dark outside. I turn to my other side searching for my phone. I sigh looking at it, it's only 6.10am. I tried to sleep again but couldn't so I sit up slowly and look around my room.

My face broke into warm smile when I see his pillow and neatly folded comforter and paper thin duvet under my bed. He is going to stay tonight too? I don't understand why I feel warm and pleasant about this. I pull his pile and place it on my bed, I will give him a thick blanket to sleep. Wait, I have a couch, why don't I bring it here to my bed and... I trail off my thoughts,

Oh my god, what am I even thinking? Shit, I'm planning to keep this guy with me? What the hell the happened to me?!

I curse myself and turn away from bed, I need to ask him lot of questions. I don't understand why I am behaving like this! My mind is racing as I'm doing my daily chores, my work ends in a month. I can manage to work after that but the problem lies at school which has no elevator, I have to climb four floors daily to work which I will find difficult. I haven't searched for another work and I'm worried, how can I live without money? I thought of asking help from my uncle but I couldn't and I barked at him last time when he showed up at my house. I sigh, they didn't know about me yet. I don't know when I'm going to say about my baby.

I want to take leave and rest today but I will go crazy with my thoughts if I stay alone at home so I have no choice but to go to school. I groan when I step outside, I have to walk to that bus stop now but I can't... God, why don't you help me? Like teleporting me to school and back to house! I whine locking my front door and turn towards my gate but I frown when I see a car outside. Who's car is that? Mrs.Bean's family didn't have a car and I haven't seen her from months.

The car door opens when walk outside my gate and a man is making his way towards me. I panic, why is he coming towards me? I take a step back and stand frozen in my place. He is short with thick mustache and bald head and he looks like he is in his 40's. What if he came to kidnap me?

Sweetie, why would he kidnap you? You are not a celebrity!

True. I swallow when he stood infront of me, "Amma, this is for you," He says extending a piece of paper. My eyebrows drawn together in realization, I know this paper. Darker. This man could not be Darker, can he? Definitely no, because Darker is tall and his voice is like a melody. Ugh! Stop thinking about him that much! The man infront of me is smiling politely, still holding the note, I snatch it and read the message.

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