Imagine if...

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You see them break down in tears

You were sleeping and woke up to a shift in your bed, you turned your beside table lamp on. You let your eyes adjust to the light before you looked over and kicked the person in your bed to the ground, quickly regretting it seeing that it was Henry, your boyfriend. "Oh! Honey I'm so sorry!" You whispered as you helped him up and set him on your bed. You saw his face had tear stains on it. "Did your dad hurt you again?" You asked softly while running your fingers through his dirty blonde hair. He nodded "Can I stay the night with you?" His voice cracking. "Of course" you made room for him and layed an extra pillow down for him. He cuddled up to you laying his head on your chest listening to your heart beat and playing with the hem of your shirt. "He called me a monster" he muttered as you felt a few tears fall on your chest. "He's the monster, not you." You whispered as you kissed his head. He fell asleep with his head on your chest, only your heart beat can calm the beast in this boy that attempts to scratch it's way out when it craves chaos, the only heart beat that beats for them.

You were walking through the woods and came across the freezer Patrick stores his collection of animals in, but something was off. There is usually a pram sitting by the freezer but the only thing that shows it was there were 4 thin lines where the wheels once were.  And you heard sobbing? You thought you were hearing things untill it became louder the closer you got to the freezer.  Behind it was your boyfriend Patrick Hockstetter, the fearless bully, crying in fetal position with red puffy eyes and shaking lower lip. "Patrick?" You asked kneeling to his level. "It's gone! It's gone! It's fucking gone! The last thing I have!" Patrick mumbled as he grabbed onto you and sobbed into your shirt. "The pram?" You softly asked him. "The only thing I have to remember Avery and it's gone!" He sobbed harder at the last few words. You held tighter knowing at times even the most fearless man can break down and suffer through his own doings as his memory pushes the pictures of that night he took his brothers life. No one will ever know even Patrick Hockstetter feels guilt.

"Y/N!!" Screamed a familiar voice on the other side of the door followed by vigorous pounding. You opened the door only to have Victor tackle you to the ground, "What the fuck, Victor!" You yelled as your back stung with pain. He gripped you so tight you couldn't pry him off and only gripped harder when you tried. He was shaking as you started to give up, noticing the look of absolute terror on his face, you used your foot to kick the door shut as hard as you could. "Babe, I can't go back outside, I need to stay here with you." Victors voice cracking as he spoke still shaking. "Whats-" "Clown" he interrupted you. "There is a fucking clown in the woods near the barrens and it got Patrick!" He yelled as he started to get off of you, tears streaming down his face and had no intention of ever stopping. You took him to the bathroom, stripped him down, and ran a hot bath for him. As he sat in the bath in fetal position, still shaking, you were stroking his hair and back trying your best to comfort him the only way you know how. "You are staying with me for as long as you need," you told him. He nodded and leaned on your shoulder. A bully that makes other kids run in fear was now running in fear himself. He never let anyone else see him cry except the one he trusts with his life. You.

On a clear sunny day you decided to go for a walk. You grabbed your walkman and headed out the door passing the woods, building, and just walking down a clear road with fields on each side. You saw a blue car up ahead and knew it belonged to your long term boyfriend Reginald or Belch as his friends call him. He was slouching over the car not noticing you have come up to to him, you pat him on the shoulder. He jumped as he wiped his face and turned to face you, as soon as he realized it was you his face went sad again and hugged you burying his face in your neck. "Reggie, what is wrong?" You asked and you rubbed his back. "My baby" he sniffed "she's hit her last mile" he began to sob again. You knew that car meant the world to this boy, since he payed for it himself by working his whole summer break just to save up for this particular car. You held him closer as your heart broke for him. "Y/n, please promise me you will never leave me, I lost one precious thing to me I can't lose the last good thing in this world." He sighed as his crying started to slow down. "The only way you will ever lose me is if I die," you said in an attempt to calm him down. He looked up at you with tears still in his eyes as he pushed a piece of hair behind your ear and held your cheek. "Thank you," he softly said as he embraced you again, this time harder like you would vanish at any moment.

I hope you enjoyed this imagine! I tried to make them a little more humane in this and show a softer side to the bullies. Thank you for reading and I'll see you later! Buh bye! 💗

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