Belch Corners You

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You ran through the hallways, through the doors, and out to the sidewalk. All day you heard Belch Huggins, one of Henry Bowers minions, was looking for you. You did your best to avoid him that whole day untill you heard a loud "There she is!" from Hockstetter.
You ran out on the street not paying any attention to the cars passing by, a few honked but that didn't stop your feet.  Two large hands gripped you tightly and picked you up to stop you from running. "Get The Fuck Off Me!" You yelled to the person grabbing you. "Easy, girl!" The deep voice said in an attempt to calm you down.
You looked back expecting to see Henry, only to be met by his father Butch. Feeling a bit safer you stopped trying to get away, you knew Henry was scared of his dad and he wouldn't touch you if his dad was around. "I'm sorry, sir" you apologized. "It's alright, missy. What's got you runnin' scared." He used his authority voice on you.
"H-Henry, sir" you said looking down at your hands, attempting to hide the obvious fact that they are shaking. Right on queue Henry and his gang ran out immediately stopping in their tracks when they saw who you were with. Butch stepped in front of you in a protective stance and eyed the boys untill they went to pick on the Losers.
"Get in the car, I'll get you out of here." He said still looking at his son and his friends. You did as you were told and got in the passenger seat of the police car. As you and Butch were about to drive off you made eye contact with Belch as he was getting his keys out to his car, you hated to admit but you had a bit of a crush on the bigger boy of the Bowers Gang.
"Where should I take you?" Butch asked. You looked at him with tears in your eyes, how were you gonna tell him that you have been staying with different people every week since your parents died only two months ago? Butch pressed his lips together realizing he touched a sensative topic, "How about I cook you some dinner and in the mean time we will find a home for you to stay in untill you graduate." He hoped to comfort you.
"What about Hen-" you were cut off. "He doesn't come home untill it starts getting dark, I'll make sure he won't bother you." He smiled. You nervously nodded and sat back in the hard seat, taking deep breaths as you took in the scenery outside the moving car window.

*Time skip*

You pulled up to the old house, it was almost in the middle of nowhere except there was another house just a mile down the narrow road. As soon as you both walked in he handed you a blanket and a remote, "Make yourself comfortable while I take a shower and then I will make you something to eat." He said while he patted your shoulder, it would be more comforting if he didnt have Henry's piercing eyes.
You got comfortable on the couch watching Family Fued, the buzzer on the tv went off cancelling the noise of the door swinging open. The seat next to you felt like someone sat next to you, "That was quick, sir" you chuckled thinking it was Butch. "No need to call me sir, I much prefer being called daddy." The husky voice said.
Your face went pale knowing that voice belonged to Henry Bowers, on the opposite of you an arm wrapped around your shoulders and felt the warm breath of the blondie, Victor. Patrick sat in front of you and lifted up the blanket and began to slowly drag his hand up your leg, you attempted to push his hand away but his grip on your leg only got tighter the more you tried to push him off.
Blech pushes Patrick aside, "My turn" he smirked, he gripped your hand and dragged you outside. "Stay here!" He demanded the other guys, he let go of your hand to close the door. As soon as he let go you ran off the shed behind the house. "Y/n!" He yelled, tears stung your eyes as your legs started to ache and locked up making you fall down. Just a few feet from the shed you crawled to the door and opened it, got inside, and closed the door behind you as you made your way to the back of the shed.
You sat in the corner as you covered your sobbing with your hand, "Why did you ever develop a crush on someone who wanted to hurt you?" You thought to yourself. You nearly screamed as the door slammed open, your back began to ache as you crouched down as the footsteps got closer to you. There Belch was standing infront of you, he knelt down and removed your hand from your mouth.
"Y/n?" He asked in a concerned voice. "Don't hurt me," you quietly said, looking down and raising your hands in defense ready to be hit. He grabbed your hands and lowered them so he could look at your tear stained face, "I'm not gonna hurt you! I just wanted to ask you to dinner." You looked him surprised, "What?" You asked not knowing what else to say to him.
"I tried to ask you for weeks but the guys think I made you a target, I wanted to ask you in private so they don't tease me about it." He told you while rubbing your shoulders. You blushed at his remark, "When did you want to have this date," you giggled. "Let's go now and give the gang the slip." He blushed and helped you up.
"The roof of my car is open so just run to the car and hop in, I will be right behind you." He slightly pushed you towards the car as you two ran towards it. "Hurry hurry hurry!" He chuckled as he ran. You two jumped in sync, he shoved the key in the ignition and raced out the dirt driveway. You two laughed together as you sped down the road, towards town, ready to spend alone time together.

I tried to expand this story as much as I could since my ideas were very short. I did enjoy writing this since so many things happened in this story. Let me know if you want a part two or you have any requests. I hope to hear from y'all soon! I'll see you later! Buh Bye! 💗

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