Belch Protects You

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You have been friends with the Bowers Gang for awhile since you were Henry's sister. They all loved you, especially Belch since he was your boyfriend. All of them swore to protect you with their lives, but Henry was a different story.
Both of your lives were not easy.
Your mother walked out on her kids, your father was abusive, and you didn't have any friends besides the Bowers Gang. But after a long day you would lock yourself in your room and prayed Henry wouldn't come up and hurt you.
It was a daily thing, he would come home after hanging out with his friends or after school and take his anger out on you. Because of this, you would wear long sleeve shirts to hide the bruises and scars Henry would leave.
But today was so much worse. After spending the whole day with Belch you came home to see Henry standing at staircase, crossing his arms as he breathed heavily. You saw a red mark on his temple and a bruise start to form on his shoulder.
You knew your dad let out his anger on Henry again. "Where the hell were you?" Henry said coming closer to you. "O-out with Belch," you squeaked out looking at the floor, you knew what was coming. He stood just a few inches from you, "He only hits me because you arnt around," He said through gritted teeth.
"Henry ple-" " Shut Up," he raised his voice. He smacked you across the cheek, you placed your hand on the sting closing your eyes. "You deserve the punches!" He punched your temple, tears began to sting your eyes as you put your arms up in defense.
"Your opening your legs to my friend!" He punches your stomach, you double over trying to catch your breath. "You are a slut!" His fist collides with your nose, you yelp as you feel blood rush down your lip and down your chin. You turn and run out of the house into the dark.
You begin to walk down the main road to town in hope to find someone to help, maybe someone will. Outside the pharmacy building you see a familiar blue car that belonged to your boyfriend, you sat on his car waiting for him to come by.
"Hey! Get off- Y/n?" He walked closer to you with a bag from the pharmacy. You covered your face with your shirt, "Reggie, please don't freak out." You said trying to hold back tears, "Y/n? Is everything alright?" He placed his hand on your leg trying to comfort you.
The street light above showed Belch your bloody nose, the black eye starting to form, and the knot on your temple. He dropped the bag and put his hands in your hair, his mouth open and eyes wide in complete shock to see his girlfriend bruised up.
"Who the hell- What happened?" He asked now extremely pissed that he couldn't protect you.
"Reggie, I never told you," tears now streaming down your face, "Henry beats me every day." Your lip now quivering from the effort of trying to hold back whimpers.
Belch picked you up and put you in the passenger seat of his car. "Where are we going?" You asked as he began to start up the car, "Picking up Patrick and Victor." He gritted his teeth and sped through town, "What! Why?" You began to yell.
Belch stayed silent as he drove faster, you got up to Victor's house. Victor walked out in his pajamas and made his way to the car. As soon as he saw you he stopped in his tracks and went pale, he opened the door, "Y/n?" He asked as if he couldn't recognize you.
Belch spoke up, "Get in the car!" Victor hopped in and Belch sped to Patrick's house. He was already outside smoking a cigarette, Belch parked the car and helped you out. "I'll explain inside!" Belch yelled as Patrick was about to say something.
You sat down as Patrick turned on the light, he saw your beat up face. Patrick was speechless. He sat next to you and studied your bruises as Belch came by with a wet rag, "What happened," Patrick said softly as Victor sat down next to him. Belch looked at you with sad eyes, "Tell them, baby" He went back to cleaning the blood off you.
"Henry did this, he beats me daily." You rolled up your sleeves to show the older but still very noticeable bruises Henry left on you. "Why did you not tell us sooner?" Victor asked confused and angry. "I didn't want him to beat me more  if you found out," you said failing to hold back tears.
Belch got up after cleaning the blood off of you, "We are gonna go and beat his ass, we swore to protect her and we failed," he said. "His ass is grass!" Patrick stood up and stormed to the car. "Let's go! I've been waiting for a reason to beat this boy!" Victor said.

*Time Skip*

You arrived at your house, the three boys immediately jumped out the car and made their way to the house. "Stay here," Belch said as he kissed your forehead and ran to the front door. Henry opened the door only to be dragged by his mullet by Patrick.
Victor kicked his feet as Henry tried to stand up, knocking him down again. Belch kicked his stomach as hard as he could. You saw Henry already spitting up blood. You looked away as you heard punches being thrown and kicks hitting Henry hard.
A few minutes later the three boys came back to the car, their hands all bruised and torn apart. You climbed in the backseat where Patrick and Victor held on to you for dear life, "He won't ever touch you again," Victor whispered, "You Killed Him?!" You yelled out.
Patrick laughed, "Belch stopped us before we could." He smirked.
After Belch dropped them off and they hugged you goodbye, you got back into the front seat. He took you back to his house. "You are staying with me from now on, my parents don't mind." Belch said as he rubbed your back.
"But my clothes-" you began to object. "I'll buy you new clothes, a complete fresh start," He smiled at you. You placed your hand on his cheek as your kissed his lips, "Thank you, Reggie" you said.
Belch cuddled you to sleep that night, the first night in your life you felt safe going to bed.

I hope you enjoyed this story! Let me know if you want me to write any story you want and I'll begin working on it! I'll see you later! Buh Bye! 💗

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