Belch The Savior

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You were walking down your street on a dark night, the only light provided for you were the street lights. You had a weird feeling someone was following you, looking back brought you face to face with the infamous bully Belch.
"Holy shit, you scared me!" You yelled as you jumped back nearly falling into the road. He grabbed your shoulders and pulled you towards him so you wouldn't fall, "Sorry darlin' I didn't mean to spook you." He chuckled.
You were glad it was dark or else he would have seen you blush, you didn't want to admit you had a crush on the bully for some odd reason even you don't know about, he just drew you in. "It's fine just give a girl a warning next time!" You joked.
"So what is a pretty girl like you doing walking alone at night?" He asked as he began to walk by your side. You blushed again, "Luring out stalkers, I think I'm doing pretty well, I found one!" You laughed and Belch joined you.
"I wouldn't stay stalking, just admiring from a far," he laughed. "Admiring?" You stopped in your tracks. He stopped and looked back at you realizing what he said, "Yes, I didn't want to admit my crush on you because the boys would try to mess with you and I don't want that to happen." He said taking your hands you just stared at him.
"Belch, I-" you were interrupted by a pull on your shirt. You screamed and kicked as you were dragged down the street as Belch was running after you, his face was in panic. "Belch!" You screamed and reached out to him as you began to be dragged down the sewers, you looked up to see who was dragging you.
You fell silent as the tall figure turned it's head and revealed a clown face, he laughed in your face and knocked you out.

*Time Skip*

You were woken up by someone shaking you and screaming your name, the faint noise became louder as you became more conscious. Belch was kneeling beside you, behind him was a tower of toys and kids floating around. As you looked around your surroundings you saw Henry, Patrick, and Victor kicking and punching the clown that kidnapped you.
Belch helped you up and put your arm around him to support you, "She's awake, let's go!" He yelled at the boys, Belch made his way to the clown and kicked him in the head before picking you up and running through the maze of the sewers.
"Belch," you groaned out, you kissed his cheek and slumped back into his arms still weak. "Thank you for saving me" you weakly said as he gripped you (and raised you from perdition, I'm sorry) so you didn't slip out of his grip. He threw you over his shoulder and ran towards the light at the end of the sewers.

*4 years later*

It's been 4 years since you were kidnapped by a thing called Pennywise the Dancing Clown, you barely remember anything but you did remember Belch carried you out of the sewers and since then you two have been inseparable. And he liked you so much he put a ring on it! Today was your wedding day.
You were curling your daughter's hair, she looked so much like Belch when she smiled. "Mommy" She smiled at you, "Yes, Grace." You said looking at your daughter in awe of how beautiful she is, "When do we get to see Daddy?" She asked tilting her head, you laughed. "Very soon sweetie."
As you put your dress on Victor came in and handed you a note and walked out without saying a word but could barely keep his eyes off you, you looked down at the note...

To My Only,
I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you, my heart beats for you, you have have made me a better man than I ever thought I could be. Thank you for everything you have ever done for me, till death do us part my love.

You stood in front of the wooden doors, on the other side was the love of your life and your daughter. Your heart began to beat as you were about to start the rest of your lives together, the doors opened to see Belch immediately start crying as Henry pat him on the back.
Your heart was full as you made way down the isle as forever was just the beginning for the two of you.

Thank you for the idea user91938340 I hope you liked this story! I'm sorry it took so long! Holidays are crazy! If anyone has any ideas let me know but it may be awhile till I publish it because I work tomorrow! I hope to hear from you soon, I'll see you later! Buh Bye! 💗

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