Patrick's Sister

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He stared at you for awhile, he was amazed by you; the way your hair shined from the light that weaved in it's way from the windows, your eyes glistened in joy, and the way your soft pink lips curled in a smile as you laughed. Every feature was perfect and he wanted nothing else but to make you his.
*THUD* "What the hell!" Victor yelled, holding the back of his head in pain. "Stop staring at my sister, creep!" Patrick lowered himself to Victor's level and yelled in his face. Victor rolled his eyes at the protective older brother, "I don't see how you two are related." Belch spoke up.
Patrick glared at Belch and Belch threw his hands up in surrender. "Yeah, she has all the brain capacity that genetics missed with you." Victor chuckled, the other boys laughed at his remark except Patrick. He slapped Victor over the head once more, Victor hardly noticed because hes too busy looking at Patrick's sister.
No one could tell you two were related, Patrick got his looks from his father while you got this looks from your mother. And I know what your thinking, What About Avery?
-Back Story-
Well he was the youngest, and Patrick was 5 years old when he killed him. You were born 9 months after Patrick, he wasn't walking or talking then and couldn't do much to you. Of course he tried but for some reason, could never harm you like he did his brother. Every since he saw them take their anger out on you he has been protective over you ever since.
-End of Back Story-
Victor decided to take a chance and walk up to you while you were talking to your friends. "Hey Y/n, can we ta-" he was interrupted by a tug on the collar of his shirt. He was slammed into the lockers next to a wide eyed Belch, "Don't you ever talk to my sister! You will never get the chance to get near her heart and leave her broken." Patrick whispered, "None of you will!" He yelled.


After school you walked home, you kept thinking what Victor wanted to say to you. You had developed a crush on the blonde boy, he is sweeter and more gentle then the other boys. He never seems to participate in the bullying but that one time when he held that poor kid Ben down.
Your mind raced with multiple scenerios that he could have said, a blush crept on your cheeks as you thought about the boy asking you out on a date. You smiled, maybe that would ever be a possibility, or maybe Patrick would kill him and the body would never be found. You sighed.
It's a sad reality when you have to think about those possibilities with a psycho brother like Patrick. As you sat on your bed, lost in thought, you heard rustling from outside. Your heart dropped and nearly ran outside your room to get Patrick until you saw blonde hair peek outside your window.
"Victor?" You whispered to yourself. He sat himself on a branch, gave you a smile and waved at you. You ran to the window and opened it, making him nearly fall back. "Patrick would kill you if he saw you outside my window!" You whispered at him with panic written on your face.
"I know, but I have to ask you something." He whispered back. "It can't wait till tomorrow at school?" You panicked. "No," you sighed at his stubbornness. "I wanted to know if you would like to go on a date with me!" He sat up in confidence. A blush settled on your cheeks as what he said processed through your mind.
The boy you had a crush on now expressing his crush on you. In your mind, fireworks were going off and electricity was sparking through your body. "Um, yeah, I would love to," you smiled. "Really!" He asked with a huge smile, you nodded. His legs that dangled off the branch were now swinging and his face lit up with a smile that goes from one ear to the other.
"Alright, I will pick you up tomorrow after school" he said excitedly. You giggled at how excited he was. "I'll see you then," you said as he climbed down the tree. You saw him dancing to himself as he made his way home. You turned around to see Patrick leaning on the door frame, your face went pale and your stomach dropped.
You opened your mouth to speak but Patrick rose his hand to you in a stop position. "If he hurts you, you let me know! I will be the one to kill him if he messes this up." Patrick said sternly as he made his way back to his room.

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