Henry Asks

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"Henry?" You yelled throughout the Bowers house. You passed Butch on your way to Henry's house so you would know Henry would be home alone. "Up here!" He yelled back, you made your way upstairs to see Henry doing homework. He never does homework.
"Henry, you never do homework." You stated, you have been together for almost 2 years and never seen him do homework. "Yea? Well maybe it's time for a change." He angrily said slamming down his pencil. You knew he only acted this way when Butch decided to take his anger out on him.
"How bad did he hit you this time?" You asked concerned. You knelt down to him and put your hand on his leg rubbing it in a comforting manner. He turned to you still looking down and saw bruising under his eye. You gasped as you put your hand over your mouth, he's done worse but it still hurts you to see Henry suffer like this.
You ran to your car to get your backpack, emptying the books inside it. Running back to his room you see him in the same position he was in when you went to your car, slouched over and looking down at the floor with a scared and sad look on his face. You began to empty his dresser of clothes and stuff your backpack.
"What are you-" you interrupted. "Pack your shit, your staying with me." You demanded. "Y/n, I can't." He said still scared. "You are turning 18 in 2 weeks and I own my own apartment since my parents passed, you can and you will, you don't have a say in this." You said still packing his things in your bag.
He stood still just staring at you, you stopped packing for a minute and walked up to him and placed your hand on his cheek. "You are my boyfriend, I love you, I will be damned if I just sit around and do nothing while you are here scared out of your mind!"
You sighed tears beginning to sting your eyes, Henry already had tears running down his cheeks. "What kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn't protect my love from pain?" You asked him. He shook his head not knowing what to say. "Grab a bag, we leave in an hour." You said. Henry smiled at you and started to pack all of his clothes and necessities.
"Are you ready?" You asked looking back at Henry carrying all the bags because he insisted. He looked forward, his face became pale. Butch was home, you gulped and made your way to him. Henry rose his arm and pushed you behind him, Butch looked at the both of you then blantly said "If you leave here, don't ever come back."
Henry stood still for a second, your heart was racing, maybe he thought he should stay. You raised your hand to grab his shoulder, he looked back at you and to your surprise he was smiling. "Are you ready to leave, baby?" He asked, already making his way to your car. You chuckled and followed him, knowing you gave him exactly what he had desired for so long


As soon as you parked your car in the apartment complex parking lot Henry was already jumping out and grabbing bags. "Eager, are we?" You said giggling. "You have no idea!" Henry chuckled as he kissed your cheek. Once you opened the door you see Henry make a beeline to your bedroom.
He looked all over the apartment in amazement. His glimmering eyes made him look like a kid in a candy store, his innocence is what made you fall in love with him. You leaned on the wall and watched him and he got more and more giddy. You giggled seeing a tough bully very giddy.
He made eye contact with you and headed straight towards you, he grabbed your arms and kissed your lips. It was the most passionate kiss he ever gave you. "I'm home!" He said with tears forming in his eyes. Your heart thumped for this boy right in front of you, he knew there would be no more fear.
"Yes you are, I'll make you some dinner." You said walking to the kitchen. "Y/n, wait." He said, you turned in confusion. His face now looking like he was scared again. "Yes Henry?" You said a bit scared of the next thing out of his mouth. "I have been thinking," he sighed, "fuck!" You thought, you let him in your house and now he wants to break up.
Henry put his hand in his back pocket and grabbed a peice of paper with something else his hand was covering. He handed you the paper, still confused you looked back up at him. "Read it," he said with now a confident look. You looked down at the paper

To my Love,
I have been thinking about this for a long time now. My love for you has grown everyday since I met you, I want to protect you from the time you wake up till the time you close your eyes to sleep, I wanna be the one you come home to every night and you be the one I come home to. What I'm trying to ask is....

"Henry, I'm so confused," you said as you looked up to see him on one knee with a ring in his hand. You put your hand over your mouth and stared in awe at the man infront of you. "What I'm trying to ask is, Will You Marry Me?" Henry said as he took your hand. "Oh. My. God" you said. You could barely speak.
"You don't have to speak babe, just nod yes or no." Henry chuckled. Tears now streaming down your face continuously. "YES" You yelled, you fell onto him embracing him in a tight hug. You never wanted to let go of him, now you never had to. Your forever together was just beginning.

That was cute as fuck! I hope you enjoyed this story I enjoyed writing this! I love love stories! If you want you can share your ideas with me or send your requests. I hope to hear from you! I'll see you later! Buh Bye! 💗

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