Her Protecter

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"Get the fuck out of my house!" Your father yelled. You kicked the back door and ran out of the house as fast as you could, tears stinging your eyes and your legs began to burn. He stood in the door way with his belt in one hand and a bottle in the other.
"No one will ever want a burden like you around!" He yelled as his lips wrapped around the bottle, finishing the alcohol inside. You were deep in the woods when you decided to stop and breathe, you grabbed onto the nearest tree and slid down the bark into a fetal position and cried.
The tears ran down your neck, coating your shirt in tears as your throat burned from catching your breathe in cold air. Your forehead hit your knees as you let out all your frustrations from the day out as you sobbed into your jeans. "What the hell do I do now?" You asked yourself, you were alone.
You thought process was interrupted by leaves being crushed and twigs snapping. Your heart dropped, you gripped onto your knees tightly as you were ready to be hit by your father. The sound of footsteps came closer, followed by more footsteps. You began to tear up thinking what he was about to do.
"What the fuck," a guys voice broke the silence. Slightly looking up your eyes were met with the Bowers Gang, the chubbier one kneeling down to your level. "Why so sad?" He sounded sweet and caring, unlike what the rest of the gang is notorious for. You turned your back to him and placed your forehead on your knees again.
"She wants to be a stubborn bitch, let's go!" The tall one said. "Don't call her that!" The one kneeling to you side, 'Isnt this the girl Belch has a crush on?" The blonde boy asked the rest of the gang followed by oohing by the two other boys. Belch gently placed his hand on your back, "Do you want to go home?" He asked.
"I'm not going back there," you mumbled. Belchs arm hooked under your knees and grabbed onto your shoulder. "Put Me Down!" You yelled and began to hit him. "No can do, sweetie! You are not sleeping in the woods tonight." He said as he began walking. "Is she seriously coming with us?" The leader asked, "It's my car, I'll bring whatever I want." He turned back and got close to his face, your body keeping them distance away from each other.
The boys behind him looked shocked and scared, no one ever talked to Henry that way. When you made it to the car Belch put you in the passenger seat and buckled you in, he fixed your hair and pulled a few leaves out while admiring your hair.

I need your help! How should I finish this? It's been sitting in my drafts for a week and cannot find a way to end this! Help! My lovelies help with my writer's block!

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