Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Roy's POV

I knew why she was mad, I really did.

But why did she always have to turn on me? I guess it was because I was the only one around. God knows no one else tried as hard to help her as I did. Maybe I should stop trying. I was who I was, and if she didn't want me around then so be it. I was a whole person, I had a life, and I could do whatever I wanted without her. She needed me more than I needed her.

I think.

I needed to get rid of all this angry energy bubbling up inside me. I didn't really know why it was easier to piss me off than your average human, but that may have been just the reason - I wasn't completely human. And least half of me constantly wanted to hunt, and run, and just completely rage out.

And right now, I was feeling a little more like Hyde than Dr. Jekyll.

"She didn't like your peace offering, huh?" Dwaine asked me when he saw my angry expression.

I could feel the hot surge of my second self rushing through me, but I kept it from taking over. Orion, who was watching me carefully from the living room, must have seen may face ripple.

"I'm taking that as a yes," he said smugly.

I clenched my fists and shook my head, trying to gain control. Even still, I yelled at him to shut up.

He laughed. "Chill out, man. I'm just messing with you." he walked past Andre who had stopped counting his money to watch me, and said, "You want to get out of here, don't you?"

I knew what he meant. He was asking me if I wanted to go looking for North End. And right now seemed like the perfect time to get revenge. I grinned at him.

Orion laughed again and said, "We're going to need some keys, Andre."

"The keys you want are on the counter," Andre said. I already knew he wasn't talking about his Mustang. He looked at me, probably noticing that my injuries from last time were still pretty bad, and asked, "Can you handle this?"

"They're dead," I told him, woging so he could see.

Andre nodded. "I'll see you in a few hours... And if I don't, I'm not going to look for you, so don't screw up," he warned.

He wasn't kidding. I knew if I made any more mistakes, Andre would leave me for dead or kill me himself. He was that kind of guy, and he meant business.

I nodded and went to grab the keys, but Orion beat me to them. He yelled, "Julian, Marcus, Zach! Let's go!" They all got to their feet and started walking towards Orion and me.

"Wait," I objected. "I want to do this by myself."

"Not going to happen. Let's go," Orion said, sounding sure of his decision.

I sighed and followed after him. I didn't like that he had single-handedly taken over my vengeance mission, but going with a group was better than not going at all.

We all piled into the Fusion, and Orion drove us to where I was when I first met Trubel.


Trubel's POV

It took me a solid half an hour to realize that I had been a jerk - half an hour longer than it should have. I didn't need to start picking fights, especially with my only allies...

Ally. I only had him and I might have just lost him.

So I wasn't going to make excuses. I was going to fix this. I started making my way up the stairs, fully prepared to apologize to Roy in front of everyone. I saw the gang in the living room, but he wasn't there.

"Where's Roy?" I asked.

Andre stood up and said, "Blowing off some steam with Orion. What'd you do?"

"Orion?" I asked, avoiding Andre's question.

"Yeah, he, Marcus, Julian, and Zach went to go hunt some Yaguaraté," he said.

I didn't know why, but I had a bad feeling about that. Roy was alone with the top four people who wanted me dead...

"When did they leave?" I asked hurriedly.

Andre looked around at the rest of the guys and shrugged. "Half hour ago or something. Why?"

"Where did they go?" I needed answers.

Andre looked at me in a way that I had seen many times before. He looked at me like I was crazy. "I don't know. Wherever they can find North End." Oh, the north half of Portland. That really narrowed it down. I sighed, frustrated. "What's your problem?" Andre asked me.

I looked up at him and then looked around myself before I saw what I was looking for on the key rack.

"Nothing," I answered nonchalantly. Andre knew that I was acting strange, but he also seemed not to care.

"Okay," he said just as casually.

I took that opportunity to launch myself at the key rack on the wall and grab Andre's keys to his Mustang. I saw Andre's expression sink into understanding. "Trubel..." he began.

I didn't waste any time. I sprinted down the hallway towards the door that led to the garage. On the way, I pulled a massive bookcase down, so it smashed against the wall on the other side of the hallway. A huge pile of books scattered all over the floor, and the shelf itself kept Andre and the others from stopping me.

I didn't have a choice. I needed the Mustang. It was fast.

I ran through the door to the garage, slammed it shut, stuck an old chair under the doorknob to make it harder to open, and hit the button that would open the garage door. I jumped in the car, started it, and threw it in reverse just in time to see Hunter, in woged Weten Ogen form, kick the door open. I slammed my foot on the gas and caught a glimpse of Andre making his way to the front of the group while yelling something I couldn't hear over the sound of the engine.

I pulled out quickly and spun the car in the direction of downtown Portland.

They had to be where I found Roy that first time.

At least, I hoped they had to be. I was pretty sure Orion was going to hurt Roy and I hoped I could get there in time. I watched the needle on the speedometer creep farther past 100 miles per hour.

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