Ace of ♧ + Three of ♤

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Differentiated Trump Values

Suits are given special trump value, with Spades being the highest trump. General order is ♠, ♣, ♦, and ♥. When played this way, there is no off-suit; the suit is either more or less valuable than the led suit, and if more valuable it trumps any card played in that suit.

Can you now see the value of most of your cards?

Don't fret.

Your two cards are waiting for you.

"This club is so dark and wild!!" Rose danced to the beat.

"Duh! Hence, the club's name!" Lisa shouted over, busting up her sick moves while JiSoo dabbed.

Furious dabbing to a whole new level.

"Yah! Stop embarrassing us in front of other people please!"

Jennie covered her face to avoid having anything to do with JiSoo, who was dabbing like a pro. From what you've gathered, both Jennie and Jisoo were the other two flatmates of Lisa and Rose's who you met a few times in social events like this.

Then there's you.

Shifting your feet rather uncomfortably, as being the odd one who refrained from dancing, it brought to your attention that sweaty bodies started to loom closer. Some were ushering you in, and as an automated response, you would clutch onto your handbag securely.

Why am I even here anyway?

While your blank eyes focused on the illuminating lights, your mind remained elsewhere, a certain vivid fragment that occured a few hours ago at your beaten up apartment still lay fresh in your memoirs....

Shutting the door, your hands gripped onto your filled groceries. Despite your friends inviting you to the club tonight on your day off, you chose the comforts of your home over their offer in recent times.

Your eyes lowered at the raw ingredients instead of the packets of cup noodles that you use to feed yourself for the longest time. Smiling at your accomplishment in deciding to cook proper meals this time, you plopped the raw ingredients on the kitchen bench. ​​​​


Your whole system were startled at the sudden noise that had befall in your apartment. Eyes raised at the direction of the individual himself, your eyebrows quirked at his sudden abruptness. He only tossed the piece of paper in front of you, to which your eyes grew wide at his newfound information.

"Where the hell did you find this?"

Unsure on how to take this, you reached for the scrunched up paper, but was halted when he barked.

"I'm asking you a question, Y/N. Where. Did. You. Get. This?"

Breathing in shallow breaths, your eyes peered at the one word.


"I-I f-found it--"

"No one would just 'find this'. Tell me the truth."


"I-It i-is the truth--"


"The $#*@ is not! You're testing my patience right now, Y/N.."

From your peripheral vision, you could see him reaching for his back pocket of his denim. In any case, that is a sign of him drawing his weapon.

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