King of ♡

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Contract Score

Once a hand is completed, the players count the number of tricks they took and, in the case of partnerships or teams, the members' trick counts are summed to form a team count.

Each player's or team's trick count is then compared to their contract. If a team did not make their contract, they were "set" and 10 points for each bid trick are deducted from the team's score.

Have you made a fair amount of scores with V to stay in this partnership?

Or were you doing too much?

Or too little, seeing he's allowed you to stay with him?

Will you even accept V's tricks to stay in the partnership?

Not to worry, you already have--

One card down, and one more to go.

"Good morning."

Nodding your head as a form of reply only elicited a nod in return as you strolled through the halls of JYP Mental Institute. Just before you turn the corner--


Your pocket vibrated, signalling a text message being received. Reaching for your phone, your eyes followed the text message as you read in silence.

Why, hello partner in crime ~♡ Just reminding you to visit your 'mission'. Remember - No visit = no staying. 😚 Oh and please say hi to your mission for me, baby doll. Top floor baby~♡ V, message received, 7.3.2017, 8.20a.m.

Shutting your phone, your mind reminisce back to what had occured a few days ago..

"You will be doing something for me in return."

Your mind was racing a hundred miles an hour, pondering as to what does V want from you, as he tugged you out of the dance floor and down a flight of stairs.

Where is he taking me? I don't know what he's up to--

Before you was an isolated door, while you darted your eyes around, you could tell the music ceased and here you're located at a narrow hallway. The metal door frame remained sturdy at sight, but as soon as V pressed his thumb over the pinpad, the door released, allowing the two of you to gain access towards a bachelor pad.

He lives under the night club?!

"Come along, babe," V's fingers curled around your delicate fingers as he ushered you to a room.

A bedroom.

That only ignited your memory of him and you.

It was not pretty.

"V, I'm not selling my body to anyone," your statement caused him to halt his steps and chuckled. Without a second thought, he whirled around to face you and approached you with haste steps. His breath fanned against the crook of your neck, displaying how close your proximity was to him.

"Nor am I selling it to you--"

He leaned into your shoulder, and felt something slipped onto the side pocket of your jeans.

"Yah! I said--"

His other hand clasped your mouth shut, preventing any voice emitting from your vocals.

"Relax, I'm only showing you to your room. Besides, that slip in your pocket is your mission. Give it to a certain man, he currently resides in a mental institute--"

Target Locked AU[Underground!BTSx Female!reader]Where stories live. Discover now