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Setting; Josh and Tyler go to the same school but they hardly know each other.

Josh is a submissive bottom in this, and Tyler is a dominant top. Punk!tyler Pastel!josh

  Josh and Tyler have always gone to the same school. All 13 years, kindergarten through their senior year. But they hardly know each other, which says a lot since its a very small school.

  But, it makes a lot of sense. Tyler has always been the leader of the bad kids club, the troublemakers. The loud kids.

  The ones that get suspended for beating someone up, the ones who get taken to the police for smoking weed and robbing the grocery store.

  He was a total punk. Not to mention, he slept around constantly, which Josh didn't quite get the concept of.

  Josh, in fact, didn't get the concept of sex at all. He didn't join any sexed classes, and his parents never thought having the talk with him was the best idea.

  Josh was the type of kid that was always quiet, always had straight A's. Never caused any trouble. Was a teachers pet.

  Of course, he wasn't in any sports, he said that they were just a bunch of people getting rough and competitive over nothing. He couldn't handle a lot of things happening at once. He wore makeup.

  He wore short skirts, Tyler wore horrible ripped jeans, that were always black. He wore pretty shirts, completely porcelain, Tyler wore shirts with bad words on then and naked girls.

  So, it wasn't weird that they have never said a word to each other.

  Except for today. Today was an exception.

  Josh walked down the hall his stuff neatly held in his hands, a proud smile on his face; which he often wore. He shut his eyes a moment, glad to take in the school smell. Then everything crashed. Literally. He ran into someone and fell to the ground, squeaking.

  The other boy was laughing softly, not caring to stand and walk away, not helping. "Sorry, baby." He spoke as he walked away, and Josh knew that voice. His eyes widened as his head whipped around, glaring.

  "H-Hey! Jerk!" Josh called after him, causing Tyler to stop in his tracks. Josh's eyes got wide as Tyler turned, walking over.

  "Jerk?" Tyler asked, eyebrows raised as he make a jerking off motion with his hand.

  "What are you doing?" Josh asked, obviously very confused at the action.

  Tyler grinned ear-to-ear. "Cute. You've never.." He did the motion some more.

  Eyebrows creased, Josh went on with picking his books up. "I don't even know what your talking about." He said simply.

  "You're kidding?"


  "Would you go on a date with me after school?" Tyler asked bluntly, he had a mission to steal this guys innocence.

  "What! Why would I do that??" Josh seared, standing with a disgusted look. "I... I have a boyfriend." He lied, walking.

  "No, you really don't. I would know. Everyone always knows when someone is in a relationship." Tyler said, following Josh.

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