chapter thirty four

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"Ruth, baby, we're home." A gentle shake to my shoulder woke me. I blinked a few times, disoriented. The landscape had turned white, soft drifts blown up against the brick of the house, and the pine trees looked like miniwheats stuck in the ground.

"It snowed!" I said delightedly. I had never seen so much snow in one place. It looked as though it would be thigh deep on me in some places. Cold air rushed into the warm car as Lex opened the door wider, helping me stand. I breathed in, and coughed as I inhaled snowflakes. Turning my face skywards, I let the little flakes land on my skin. They felt like sparkles as they melted on my nose and lips. Dressed only in a dress and sweater, I began to shiver-but I didn't move. I wanted to stand out in the snowfall for hours, taking in the whiteness of it all.

"Let's get you inside." Lex laughed. "Your lips are turning blue."

The snow squeaked as it compacted under my sneakers. The drive hadn't been cleared, and so I stepped in Lex's footprints, following him up to the door. The snow was ankle deep, and it tumbled into my socks, soaking my toes.

I peeled off my damp socks, sitting on the lowest stair, and wrinkled my nose in disgust.

"I need boots." I said. "The snow made my socks and shoes all wet." My teeth began to chatter halfway through my sentence, making my voice wobble. Lex looked up from hanging his trench coat, and I slammed my jaw together, trying to contain the shake.

"Go take a hot shower." He directed. "The last thing we need is for you to get another cold."

"I can't." I pointed at my cast. "I can't get it wet. They said baths only, otherwise it will go mouldy."

"So go take a hot bath. I better see steam coming from under that door by the time I get upstairs!" He called after me, as I scampered away.

I set the tap as hot as it was go, and poured in what felt like half a bottle of cherry bubble bath. Steam fogged the mirror, and I drew hearts over it while I waited for the water rise. I heard the bedroom door open and close, and I hurriedly leapt into the tub, biting my lip as the hot water touched my chilled skin. Bubbles formed over the surface, and I blew on them, watching the foam billow and float.

Eventually, the shivers subsided, and I had scrubbed my skin pink trying to get the smell of the hospital and interrogation room of off me. I felt slightly more like myself, and so I let the water begin to drain, wrapping myself in a fluffy white towel. I was barely covered when the door swung open, and Lex entered, carrying a stack of clothes. I yelped, holding the top of the towel, and he smiled his infuriating little smirk.

"I brought you pajamas." He said, setting them down on the counter. "And fresh socks."

He held out a pair of red velvet socks to me. I took them, without making eye contact, but he only stepped closer to me.

"Thanks." I mumbled to the floor.

"You're welcome, my love. " His hands rubbed the tops of my arms, and I looked up, my eyes wide. Lex still had that self-satisfied grin pasted on, his eyes twinkling. I pouted at him, and he laughed, tugging on my bottom lip.

"Thank you." I mumbled. "I need to get dressed now."

He was standing so close that my hair left damp marks on the front of his shirt. I shifted my weight to my toes, embarrassed.

"Okay." He said, taking a step forwards. I was effectively trapped between him and the counter. The air was still muggy from the steam, and droplets slid off my arms, dripping to the floor. The hearts on the mirror had run, all but obscured by lines of condensation.

"Alone." I emphasized, leaning backwards.

"You don't need help?" He looked down at my useless arm. I flushed, and shifted again, the counter pressing on my lower back.

Cherry Wine {lex luthor}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang