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(Mark's POV) 

I dreaded going to school today. I wanted it to be over already so I could go hang out with Jack. I didn't want him to find out about the bullying either. If he did, he would get himself into trouble. I know he would. 
During last period, he had to sing. Only because he was new and our teacher needed to know where to put him in the choir. He sung really well. And he was placed next to me, in the baritone group. 

"Hi," he smiled, making me laugh. 

After school was over, we made our way to the coffee shop. We just asked each other questions, until Jack got to things that were kinda hard for me to talk about. 

"Why do ya let them bully you?" 
"Excuse me?" 
"I don't let them bully me, Jack. I have no choice but to deal with their bullshit. Don't think I wanted any of this." 
"I'm just saying, it's not that hard tuh' stand up fer yourself!" 
"Not that hard?!" 

I backed away from him as it began to rain, soaking my blue pastel sweater I was wearing. 

"How the fuck can you tell me that and you don't even fucking know me?!" I yelled, crying now. "Do you know how fucking hard it is to stand up when everything starts crashing down?! You have no fucking idea what I've been through!!" 
"Mark, please-" 
"Shut the fuck up! Before you can tell me shit, try thinking about how hard things are when you lose your fucking dad, you get bullied everyday, and are a total outcast in that fucking school! Until then, you'll never know what it's like!" 
"Mark, I-" 
"Fuck off!" 

I started to run, not caring where I ended up. I would eventually call Felix to come get me. He would be more than happy. 

"Little boy!" I heard a female call. It was a barista from a nearby coffee shop. "C'mon, get out of the rain. You'll get sick." 

I did so, since I was soaking wet. I was already sniffling and sneezed a little, so I just might be sick. I was crying too, which didn't make things any better. 

"Are you alright," she asked after I got under the awning. 
"Physically, yes," I replied. 
"Is there someone you want me to call to come get you?" 

I gave her Felix's number and she told him I was here. I stood in the shop for a few minutes, until I saw three familiar faces. It was Sven, Jax, and Ace. I hid behind a wall so they didn't see me. I saw Felix come in and search frantically for me. I did a small whistle and he heard me and walked over. 

"Are you okay, Mark?" he asked, concerned. 
"N-No," I sniffled. 
"What did that Irish bastard do?" 
"He just... just pissed me off, so I ran before he could see me cry... Can we discuss this more when we get to your place?" 
"Yeah, c'mon." 

He took me to his house, where I explained to him and Marzia what happened. While we were talking, Felix gave me a clean shirt and shorts to wear while he dried my clothes in the dryer. 

"He didn't need to tell you what you should do," Felix began. 
"Exactly," Marzia agreed. "You can't over something like that quickly. It's impossible. And how close you two were, it's even worse for you." 
"I just... I wish he would've known the real me before telling me that shit..." I sniffled again. "I thought he was different, but I was fuckin' wrong..." 
"He seemed okay, but..." Felix started, but trailed off. 

For a little while, I just sat there and talked with Marzia. Felix didn't say much. Then, there was a knock at the door. Felix went to open it, but it was Jack. How the hell did he figure out Felix's address? I hid behind the door, hearing their conversation. 

"What are you doing here," Felix asked angrily. 
"Look," Jack sighed. "I'm here tuh' apologize. Please, is he okay?" 
"Why should it matter? You're the one that upset him." 
"I know, and I feel really bad about it. Had I'd known tha' hell he's gone through, I wouldn't've said anythin'. Please, can I see him if he's here?" 

Felix closed the door and asked me. I sighed and told him I might as well get it over with. I opened the door. 

"I'm so sorry, Mark," he began. "I really am. I had NO idea that you've gone through all that." 
"It's called ask," I retorted.
"I understand yer hurtin' because of me."
"And sick."
"Anyway... I came tuh' ask if you'd possibly give me another chance... You seem like a really sweet, kind, and beautiful person. I want to have a chance..."
"Chance of what?"
"...You being mine." 

I gasped. Jack was gay? No wonder I had a strong liking to him. 

"Please? Just one more chance, and if I screw it up, I promise, I'll leave ya alone." 

I thought about it. Why not? 

"Okay, but this is your last chance," I sighed, making him smile. 
"Thank you," he sighed. "I promise, I'll do my best not tuh' screw it up this time. See ya at school tomorrow." 
"See ya." 

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