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Two years later... 
(Mark's POV)

Jack and I were graduating this year. We already decided on what we were gonna do: YouTube. We already had good channels, each with over millions of subscribers, so we were set. 
Of course, Jack asked me to prom, and I said yes. He actually wore a suit, and I wore my long mint dress my mom got me. Once there, we danced for a little while, until he looked around for Felix. I saw him pull out a camera, and I was completely confused. 

"Mark?" He began. 
"Yes, Jack?"
"How long have we been together?"
"I think about two and a half years?"
"Yeah... In those two and a half years, you and I have gotten closer than ever... And I think it's time we get even closer..." 

He got down on one knee, gaining everyone's attention. He went to his pocket and pulled out a velvet box. I felt my face heat up immensely. 

"Oh my God," I squealed happily, covering my face.
"Mark Edward Fischbach," he smiled. "Would ya make me tha' happiest man alive and marry me?" 

He opened the box to reveal a ring inside, with two gems, pink and green, encrusted in it. I blushed and smiled. 

"Yes!!! Yes, I will marry you, you Irish dork!" 

I jumped into his arms and he spun me around. A round of applause went up, and I saw the camera go to Ken, Felix's second best friend. Then, he proposed to Marzia! She also said yes, and we congratulated each other. 

"This is the best night of my life," I smiled, looking at Jack. 
"It's about tuh' get better," Jack grinned, grabbing my hand. "C'mon." 

He took me out to his car and we got in. I had no idea where he was taking me. 

"Close yer eyes until I say otherwise." 

I did, and about five minutes later, we stopped. He helped me out of the car, since my eyes were still closed. He brought me to something, and it felt smooth as the bristles touched my feet through my shoes. 

"Jack? What the hell," I laughed.
"Don't peek," he replied. 

I didn't. He lead me out about ten more steps. 

"Now look..." 

I opened my eyes, to the most GORGEOUS garden I've ever seen. My mouth dropped wide open in shock. 

"Sean," I gasped, using his real name. "This is absolutely gorgeous..." 
"This is a garden that only we know about," he smiled. "Not a soul, besides us, know about it." 
"Are you serious?" 
"Jack... This is amazing." 
"Come with me." 

He took my hand a made me go towards the creek there. I looked at him confused. 

"Swim with me." 

I was taken aback by this, but did so. Good thing I was wearing boxers under this dress... The water was actually nice, though. I was still enjoying the scenery until Jack splashed me. 

"Oops," he chuckled.
"Oh, you've done it now!" 

I tackled him into the water, and it became a water fight. After a while, I began to feel a lot better. I guess the water had healing qualities or something. Anyway, after about ten more minutes, we got out. 

"That was amazing, Jack," I smiled. 
"Well, we don't keep secrets, right?" he grinned. "This is tha' only secret I've kept from ya. Now we both know it." 

I smiled. I was really happy he shared this with me. This place was beautiful. 

After a few minutes, we got dressed and went home. Our graduation was tomorrow night, so Jack just stayed at my house that night. 
The next day, we started getting ready. As I placed my glasses on my face, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. It was Jack. 

"Top of tha' mornin'," he smiled. 
"Good morning to you too," I grinned. "But let's get you some coffee." 

Before heading to the graduation ceremony, we stopped by a coffee shop and got us some coffee. 

"Yay," Jack smiled. "Now I'll be wide awake." 

After a few hours of practicing, it was time for the real thing. I could see my mom and brother from the line we were in. Jack and I were right next to each other, me going first. After waiting about ten minutes, my name was called. 

"Mark Fischbach," the principal said. 

I walked and got my diploma, Jack following after. They also gave us both a congrats on our engagement. We smiled as we went to sit down. Of course, we waited hours until the thing was over, then went to be with our families. 
Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I thought it was Jack, but the person spun me around and looked me dead in the eye. My blood froze. 

"Did you miss me?" 

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