The Truth Comes Out

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(Mark's POV) 

He saw the blood. I went to walk away, trying to get out of telling him. I got to the bedroom, but he grabbed my wrist, pressing against my newly made cuts.

"Ow!" I groaned. "Jack, let go! Babe, THAT HURTS!!"
"I barely have a grip on ya! But tell me what's goin' on."
"LET GO!!!" 

I snapped my arm from his grasp and fell back. I hit my head on the bedside table, losing my glasses in the process. I felt the bruise beginning to form. I had a bad headache now. Jack ran to me and checked on me.
And, without thinking, I brought my hand up to feel the bump. The sleeve came down...

"Mark, why do ya have bandages on yer wrist?"

Oh shit!! He saw them!!

"Let me see yer wrist, Mark," he said sternly.

I went to run, but he caught me. He held me in his arms, to where I couldn't move.

"Sean, let me go!" I shouted.

He took one of his arms off of me and grabbed my wrist. He unfurled the bandages like they were ribbons. I squeezed my eyes shut as he saw the nightmare of my wrist.

"Babe..." He gasped. "What tha' fook?!"

(Jack's POV)

I let go of him an' he dropped to the floor, cryin'. Instead of sayin' anythin', I dropped tuh' my knees and hugged him tightly. I never expected him, of all people, tuh' do this. 

"Why tha' fook didn't I notice," I sobbed. "Why are ya doin' this, babe?"
"B-Because... Y-You deserve s-so much better than m-me," he replied, cryin' harder. "I'm a f-fucking mess... All I've done is g-got you and the ones I love hurt. I don't deserve to be-"
"Don't say it. Yer fookin' amazing, ya have one of tha' best personalities I've ever seen, and yer a hell of a fighter... I've never been in love with a man like I have you. I-"

Before I could say another word, I saw someone at tha' door. It was my friend, Sophie ( @ChildsplaySophie ). 

"Mark!?" she gasped. "Jack?! What happened?!" 

I didn't answer her right away, but she saw the bandages and pieced together what happened. She came over to us and hugged Mark too. 

"I heard what those assholes were saying to you," she started. "They're stupid, Mark. Don't listen to them, because they're not right. You're amazing, sweet, kind, and better than them. You're a beautiful cinnamon roll too precious for this world." 

Her last comment made Mark laugh, which was good. She filled me in on what they told him, and I got angry, but kept it in for Mark. 

"So, don't listen to them," she smiled, helping him up. "They're dumb. Like really? Why on God's green earth would you give Ace consent?" 
"I guess you're right... I shouldn't've listened to them in the first place," Mark sighed. "Thanks, Sophie." 
"No problem, Mark." 

The next day at school, Sophie ( @ChildsplaySophie ) and I made sure no one made fun of Mark again. But unfortunately, it got really heated at lunch.
We were peacefully eating, until a group of kids came up to Mark. I heard tha' word "slut" get said, and I had enough. I'd heard it all day, and now I'm done. I slammed my fists on the table and got up, scaring Mark and Sophie. 

"Knock it off!" I growled. 
"Why," one replied. "He is one. He probably cheated on you with Ace. Ever think of that?" 
"He would never, first of all. He despises Ace. Secondly, he was fookin' kidnapped! How tha' hell can ya think he did it willingly?! He was forced; it was not consensual!" 
"How do you know?" 
"I would know more than you, asshole." 
"Is that supposed to be an insult, McLoughlin?" 
"Both of you, knock it off," Sophie finally yelled. "Jack, calm down. I got this..." 

She turned to the guys. 

"Now you listen up, asshole," she growled, angrier than a hornet. "If you actually KNEW Mark, instead of listening to other people, you would have the facts! But no, you just go off of what others say. That's been everyone at this damned school. And because of you, you almost caused Mark to hurt himself! How can one person be so evil!?" 

They just stared at her in shock. Mark and I were too, surprised on how they reacted afterwards. They finally realized what they'd done and left Mark alone. When Sophie sat down, we just looked at her. 

"What," she said when she saw us staring. 
"Damn," I began. 
"My thoughts exactly," Mark chuckled. "Thanks, Sophie..." 
"Not a problem. I told you I could handle it, Jack. With you, it would've ended in a fight." 
"I agree," Mark sighed. 

Well, damn. One upped by a girl... At least she took it better than I did. I was glad she was my friend. She was helping Mark so much. Felix and Marzia too, once they knew what happened. I couldn't ask for better friends... 

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