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I'm really sorry to do this to you guys, but I'm going through a lot right now. I'm gonna take from a time of a just few hours to possibly the next few days off. I'm not finding joy in anything I do anymore, I'm having to not only deal with my own problems, but everyone else's. It's gotten me to a point where I'm breaking, even crying when trying to talk to someone. I can't take much more on my shoulders. So I would greatly appreciate it if you don't get mad about my time off.... It's just something I have to do. 
Again, I'm very sorry about all of this, I really am. But I need some time off to think and get my head straight before I continue... Otherwise, I might end up doing something stupid... I thank you in advance for your patience and the extended patience in this wait. I'm so sorry to do this, again, but it's something I REALLY need right now.... I will update the chapters once I get to feeling better and have everything sorted. I'm sorry to you all...

Thank you,

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