A Snowy Christmas

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(Mark's POV) 

It was a week until Christmas. We were out of school, and my ankle had healed. That night, Jack and I decided to put up the tree, as well as decorate. We sang "Deck the Halls" by Pentatonix. 

"Deck the halls with boughs of holly
Fa la la la la, la la la la (Fa la la la la, la la la la)" I sang.
"Tis the season to be jolly," Jack sang, smiling.
"Fa la la la la, la la la la (Fa la la la la, la la la la)
Don we now our gay apparel
Fa la la la la, la la la la (Fa la la la la, la la la la)
Troll the ancient Yuletide carol
Fa la la la la, la la la la," we sang together.

We just laughed as we sang, since we were way out of tune. But the tree turned out really well: 

 But the tree turned out really well: 

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"Boys!" My mother exclaimed. "The tree is absolutely beautiful!" 
"Thanks mom," I smiled. 
"I'm taking a picture. Stand in front of the tree." 

We did so, and it was uploaded to Facebook and Twitter. The headline was, "The boys put up the tree this year. It's perfect!" She also tagged us in it, and Felix was the first to comment. 

'Can you guys come do mine?!' he commented. 
'Please, he really sucks 😂' Marzia also commented.

Jack and I just laughed. We decided to watch a Christmas movie that night, since he was staying over for the next few days. We'd probably watch them all, more than likely. Jack went on the internet, bluetoothing it to the TV. 

"What movie?" he asked. 
"Hm... Ooh!! The Spongebob Christmas!" 

Jack just giggled. 

"You are such a child," he smiled. 
"And proud to be," I smiled, laying my head against his shoulder. 
"Which one? There's two." 
"Why not both? They're only about thirty minutes long, if not that." 
"Oh. Okay." 

We just watched the Spongebob Christmas specials and drank hot cocoa. Well, I drank hot cocoa. He drank eggnog, which I didn't understand. 

"How do ya not like eggnog?" he asked. 
"I just don't," I replied, hoping I didn't have to bring up the Eggnog Bath video. 

He suddenly stopped our movie and looked up my YouTube name, along with eggnog. 

"Oh God! Jack, please don't!" 
"What? I wanna see why!" 

He clicked on the video. I hid my face. I felt so embarrassed... 

"O-kay," he giggled. "I can see why ya don't like it. But who were tha' other two guys?" 
"Oh... They were friends at my last school. I still keep in touch with them, but not much. The one with blue hair is Ethan, or CrankGamePlays. Then, the one with curly hair is Tyler. Me and him have always been best buds since the third grade." 
"Oh... Anyway, back to the movie!" 

After we finished the movies, we just watched Christmas Vines and stuff. It was a good night...

The next morning, I woke up to find a blanket of white outside. It was snowing! I gasped. I absolutely loved snow! I went over to Jack and shook him a little. 

"Jack! Get up!" I smiled. "It's snowing!" 
"Wha," he groaned, getting up slowly. "Wha's goin' on?" 
"It's snowing! C'mon, let's go play in the snow!" 

He rolled his eyes, smiling. I know, I have the mentality of a 6-year-old, but I don't give a shit. I love it! 
Jack and I got ready, putting on two layers of clothes, since it was pretty cold. Once outside, I just watched the snow fall. It was so pretty. I even caught some on my tongue.
I suddenly heard a devious laugh come from the Irishman. I ducked right in time, just as a snowball flew over my head. 

"WHAT!?" he gasped. "How did ya see that comin'?!" 
"It's called, don't laugh before throwing it, dork," I smiled. 
"Dork?! I'm not a-" 

I threw a snowball and hit him in the face. I laughed as he brushed it off. 

"Oh, you've done it now," he smiled. 

He started to chase me, making me run away laughing still. 

"Get over here!" he shouted, laughing. 

I had another snowball in my hand, and threw it to give me more space between him and me. 

"How tha' fook did ya have another one!?" 

I just laughed and kept going as he brushed it off. I thought I'd lost him... until he jumped out from the bushes. 

"GOTCHA!" he smiled, trapping me in his arms. 
"JACK!" I laughed. "LET ME GO!!" 
"Never! Ya hit me twice!" 
"Cause' you weren't paying attention!" 
"That's no excuse," he giggled. 

I tried to get away, laughing still. I tried pushing him off with one hand, but failed. He took my wrist in his hand. I felt my cheeks heat up. 

"J-Jack," I asked. "What are you doing?" 
"Well," he smiled, kissing me once. "I get payback, sweethe-" 

He suddenly slipped in the snow, bringing me down with him. 

"Fookin' hell!" he shouted. "That just ruined the moment." 
"Well, that's karma for you," I giggled. 

He just laughed, so we went inside. We were freezing at the time, since we'd been laying in the snow. We went back to my room, where we snuggled up under my three or four covers. He wrapped his arm around me as we began to watch the real version of the Grinch. 

"Yer adorable," Jack smiled. "Do ya know that?" 
"Good. Cause' I like adorable..." 

He kissed me on my head, just as I heard our front door open. Oh, great... my relatives are here. 

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