Angels and Demons

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(Art is not mine, belongs to Solar-S-Shift on DeviantArt)
(Mark's POV)

Jack finally calmed down about the entire thing. I was just gonna stick to YouTube. I didn't want to end up going through something similar at another job. Instead, Jack and I decided to go out for the day.
As we were looking around in store, I heard someone's voice.

"They're here," it said.

Suddenly, the doors shut and locked. Jack and I jumped, since we're the only ones that were inside. We saw men coming towards us. Jack took one look at the glass windows and grabbed my hand.
We busted through it, those men following us. We were gaining a lot of attention. But then, I saw Jack fall after getting shot with something. I checked his neck, and there was a tiny dart in his neck. It knocked him out.
I looked up, only to see three men above me. I got shot with a dart as well, passing out within seconds.

Hours later...

I began to wake up, but couldn't move. Unfortunately, I was strapped down to a metal table, with only my boxers on, nonetheless. I tried my best to get out of it, but it was useless. Just then, a man walked in.

"Ah, so you're awake," he smiled deviously.
"Who the hell are you," I growled.
"My name doesn't matter. What matters is that I have the perfect subject to test this on..."

He held up a pink liquid in a vial. I had no idea what it was, but I was scared that he was gonna use it on me. Before I could've noticed, an IV was placed in my arm.

"AHHH!" I screamed in pain. "DAMN!!"

I saw him open the vial and began to administer it into my veins.

"NOOO!!!" I heard a familiar Irishman yell.

I looked over to my left and saw a bulletproof glass between us. He was pounding against the wall, trying to get to me.
I suddenly felt the liquid start to go to work. I felt a major pain in my back. I could feel something trying to grow in my back, but I don't know what.
I suddenly felt a rush of air, and THE most immense pain in my back. I screamed, only making Jack try harder to get to me.
I finally felt some relief... but not for long. I looked for where the extra weight came from on my back, and I couldn't believe what I saw...


They were fucking pink and white angel wings. I couldn't believe it. How the hell am I supposed to try and fit in with the world now? I was already an outcast starting in school, but now? I'm gonna be called a freak.

"Yes!" the man smiled. "It worked just as planned. Now, onto the Irishman."

I looked at Jack. He looked as scared as me. I saw a green smoke start to fill his room that he was in. The window in it shut. His eyes shrunk as he started coughing, breathing in the smoke. It engulfed him to the point to where I couldn't see him anymore.

"JACK!!" I cried.

Suddenly, the smoke disappeared. When I saw Jack, I couldn't believe my eyes. He now had green bat wings and a long tail, along with horns. I couldn't believe this at all.

"You bastards," Jack growled, looking at him.
"Now, we have to see which of the two is stronger," the man said.

I was suddenly dropped into a vent, and ended up in the room with Jack. We looked at each other in shock.

"Mark?" he asked.

He looked at the glass and told the man he refused to fight me. The man scoffed.

"Fine," he said. "If you won't fight, then you'll be destroyed."

The walls started to close in on us. Jack didn't look scared. Before I could say anything, he busted through the glass, grabbed my hand, and we began running.
I saw an open window and told Jack. We left through it and started flying. Sure, we were clumsy about it at first, but got used to it eventually.

"I can't believe this," I sighed.
"You can't believe it," Jack began. "Mark, yer wings are beautiful. I'm a fookin' freak."

"No, you're not. They did this to you, so it's not your fault. We need to bring this to the government, so they can stop them."
"What?! They'll try tuh' shoot us!"
"We are considered U.S. citizens still."
"True... But what evidence do we have?"
"I'm very sneaky," I smiled.

I showed him the vials that had contained the liquids we were subjected to. Jack smiled.

"And I guess I can really call ya angel now," he grinned.

All we needed now was a plan on how to do this...

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