Freaks Or Unique?

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(Jack's POV) 

Mark looked even more gorgeous now. Those wings made him look amazin'. He looked like a literal angel. I looked like a damn freak, especially with the horns. I wouldn't ever be viewed the same again... 
Mark and I made a plan to go to the mayor and tell him about what happened. At first, we'll keep our wings tucked back. I'll also have tuh' wear a hoodie fer tha' horns, and tuck my tail in my jeans. Then, we'd explain to the mayor what happened and show him.
On tha' way there, I started tuh' get a little nervous. 

"Sean? You okay?" Mark asked. 
"No," I replied. "I'm scared..." 
"I know, but he shouldn't hurt us." 
"Shouldn't. That doesn't mean he won't." 
"Still. I'll keep you safe this time, okay?" 

I smiled. As we walked the steps, Mark told the guard that we'd called in tuh' tell them we were comin'. It took a minute, but we got in tuh' see the mayor. 

"Mark, yes," he asked. 
"Yes, sir," Mark replied. "And this is Jack. But, we have something serious to tell you about." 
"What is that?" 
"For the last forty-eight hours, we've gone missing. There was a reason: we got kidnapped." 
"Are the kidnappers still out there?!" he asked. 
"Yes, but we don't know there names. All we know is that they used this stuff on us." 

Mark gave him the vials, and he studied them closely. 

"What did they do to you two?" 
"If we show you, please don't freak out," Mark asked. "We never intended for this to happen to us. So, please don't freak out." 
"I won't." 

Mark took off his jacket and showed his angel wings. The mayor was surprised, then looked at me. I know he'll call me a freak, but he needed tuh' know. I slowly pulled my jacket off, showin' him tha' horns first. 

"Oh dear God," he gasped. 

I slipped off my jacket and let my tail out. He looked at me with sympathy. 

"And you boys are how old," he asked Mark. 
"He's nineteen and I'm about to be," Mark replied. 
"Oh my... I will get this sorted out. I will give a report today, so the people can know to be aware as well. You two mind showing them this as well?" 

We both said no. 

(Mark's POV) 

The mayor was talking to the people, and we were waiting for the mayor to call us up. I looked at Sean, who was really nervous. 

"Sean, babe, you okay?" I asked. 
"Mark, what if they call me a freak?"
"They won't they know that this isn't your fault. It was caused by someone else." 
"I'm just scared..." 
"Don't be. I'll go through it with you, if that makes you feel any better." 
"...How did I get so lucky tuh' have you?" 

I smiled, just as I heard the mayor say for us to come up. We did, and he asked us to show what happened. We did, and everyone focused on Sean with confused and scared looks. He looked uncomfortable. 

"Experiments were conducted on these two, without consent, which is why I'm warning this town before more go missing. These two boys are still considered citizens, no matter their appearances. This was unintentional, and the processes might be irreversible. So, they will not be considered 'freaks' or aliens. So treat them as you would fellow citizens." 

As we walked back down, I gave Sean a hug. He looked really upset, until a teenager came through the crowd. She looked up at Sean for a minute, before starting to feel his wings.
She just looked at him, then hugged him. Sean was surprised, but hugged her back. The people finally took in that Sean nor I was dangerous. More came up to talk to him, and he looked better within a period of seconds. After getting through the wave of people, he came up to me. 

"I love ya, Mark." 
"I love you too, Sean. You'll always be my Irish dork, do know that." 
"And you'll always be my pastel boy..." 

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