Messed Up Start to Christmas

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(Mark's POV) 
Four days later... 

Jack was still out cold. I'd been with him all this time. It was about three days until Christmas. At this point, I didn't care about anything except him waking up... 
Suddenly, I heard him cough. He was awake! 

"Jack," I gasped. "Thank God you're okay!" 
"Of course I am," Jack replied cheekily. "I'm not dyin' that easily." 

For the next two days, Jack stayed in the hospital. 

"Mark, go home," he began. "Be with yer family. I'll more than likely see ya tomorrow. Tha' doctors said I'm bein' let go tomorrow, just to take it easy." 
"Yeah. Surprisingly, they said I'm healin' rather quickly. Said I have a stronger healin' system than most people." 
"Really? Wow..." 
"Yeah... But go home and be wit' yer family." 
"Okay... Only for you. Promise you'll Skype me tonight before I go to bed?" 
"Promise. Either that, or I'll be there before midnight." 

I smiled and left. For the next few hours, I got a bad feeling something was gonna happen. Most of my family left for the day, so they'd come back tomorrow to celebrate Christmas. I had a feeling that something was gonna happen to me before tomorrow. 
That night, I went to go get something to drink. After getting it, I heard rattling around. At first I just thought it was my mom setting out last minute gifts. But no, it wasn't my mom. It was two robbers.
It scared me, and I accidentally dropped the glass, making it shatter. They heard me and I tried to race up the stairs, but they pulled me back by my hair, making me cry out. I heard my mother's door open, along with the cock of a gun. 
I was able to get out of the robber's grip, but I lost my balance. I fell, knocking over a vase I got my mom last year. Just then, I could hear her running downstairs, but saw the robbers pulling out guns. 


They hit me with one, trying to shut me up. But, it only kept me down for a few mere seconds. I got up quickly and raced upstairs, pushing my mom out of the way the single second when they shot.
Unfortunately, I was grazed in the arm, but that was about it. She shot the robbers with her own gun and they fell. They weren't dead, just injured. 

"Mark?!" My mom gasped. "Honey, are you okay?!" 
"I just got grazed, Mom," I groaned, holding where they shot. "I'll be fine..." 
"I'm calling an ambulance. It's a deep graze, so it'll need to be stitched." 

I leaned against the wall for a little support. Then, we heard the door open again. My mom cocked her gun, in case it was another intruder or robber. But, it was only Jack. My mom pointed the gun at him, until she realized it was him. Then she lowered it in relief. 

"Whoa!" Jack exclaimed. "What happened!?" 
"We almost got robbed," I replied, still in pain. 

Jack asked my mom some questions, but I felt a thin line of blood begin to trail down my mouth. Jack noticed, just as I heard sirens. 

"Oh no, yer hurt!" he gasped. "C'mon, sit down. Ya need tuh' save yer strength." 

I did so as an ambulance and cop car arrived. Apparently, these specific robbers had been robbing the entire neighborhood. The cops were happy that my mom knew what to do.
The paramedics stitched me up and told me not to exert myself. I thanked them as they all left. After cleaning up, Jack and I went to my room. 

"Wow," he sighed. "What a fooked up start tuh' Christmas." 
"Well, it's just now midnight," I replied. "Merry Christmas, Jack." 
"Merry Christmas, my angel..." 

Then, we fell asleep, planning to wake up to the better day ahead of us... 

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