Cowboys vs. Indians (phone destroyer)

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[You've been added to a group chat.]

Kyle: The New Kid just beat the Indian Chief! #COWBOYS4EVER

Stan: Yeah with my basic deck. #COWBOYSRN00BS.

Cartman: Stop making excuses, Many Moons!

Stan: New Kid is going down like a bitch next round.

Cartman: You hear that, New Kid? You gonna take that shit?


Kenny: OMG you killed me! You bastard! Hahaha jk

Cartman: Cowboys RULE! You guys all saw the New Kid just P0WN that Indian?

Kyle: Yeah, Indians LOSE!

Stan: Indigenous people won't be easily defeated.

Cartman: Oh my god.

Cartman: We're coming for you Stan of Many Moons!

Cartman: Keep fighting, New Kid. You'll get to Stan soon!


Jimmy: Wow, being an Indian is tough, New Kid sure p-p-p0wned my ass.

Kenny: The new kid pounded your ass?

Jimmy: No. He p-p-p-p-p...

Cartman: Speaking of ass pounding did you guys see the New Kid in his new outfit? What a dork.

Token: You DO realize the new kid is on this group chat right?

Cartman: ...

Cartman: ...

Cartman: Hey guys - Kyle stole my phone just now. He didn't text anything offensive from it as a joke, did he?

Kyle: Nice try, fat ass.


Token: Wow, New Kid's really good with his phone. GG :)

Kyle: You guys, we REALLY have a shot at beating the Indians now!

Tweek: Yeah I'm pretty sure Stan has used all his best fighters.

(So weird not to write Tweek with all caps ahhhhhhh)

Cartman: You're so awesome, New Kid.

Kyle: Now go kill Stan once and for all!

Cartman: Wait, did black Indians exist?


Craig: Is getting your mom allowed in the rules?

Cartman: Stop cheating, Stan. Only I get to change the rules.


Cartman: What is Timmy doing on our group chat? He can't even type.

Timmy: TIMMY!

Cartman: Wow, I stand corrected.


Kyle: I guess parents are playing now.

Cartman: This is ridiculous.

Timmy: TIMMY!!!!

Cartman: Thank god New Kid got rid of him.


[Randy entered the group chat]

Randy: Hey dudes! That was really rad! Do kids still say rad?

Cartman: No, we don't. Get off our group chat.

Randy: This is a great way to communicate with my son!

[Stan has left the group chat]


Cartman: Hey, New Kid. Did you meet that friendly shopkeeper?

Cartman: He's very trust worthy and has a fantastic mustache.


Kyle: When did this game become cowboys vs. pirates?

Cartman: Yeah there gonna break the game!

Clyde: Avast! You typed "there" but you should have used the contraction "they're"!

Cartman: 8==D THERE are my balls. Suck them.


[Stan entered the group chat]

Stan: Is my dad still here?

Randy: Hey Stan!

[Stan left the group chat]

Randy: Stan?

Randy: Stan?


Cartman: Wow! New Kid just beat up a kid in a wheelchair. NOT COOL.

Kyle: Yeah, a little extreme don't you think dude?


Butters: Hey New Kid, heard ur working with Don King Butters.

Butters: Stick with him he'll make you a champ!


Jimmy: Hey, what did the pirate pay to get his ear pierced?

Jimmy: A b-b-b-b-buck an ear.

Jimmy: What a great audience.


Nathan: That was rough :(

Mimsy: Almost as rough as that time you got raped by a shark, huh boss?

Nathan: SHUT UP MIMSY!!!

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