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Chapter Twenty Three: Wait...What?

~~ We ported and I didn't leave my room during the day, I refused to. That night, however, I snuck out of my room and off of the ship; I had a pocketful of money (the Captain put some money into one of my suitcases) and wore the ring he slipped into my hand as we parted. Yes, he gave me a ring! But, it was a promise ring, engraved into it were the words 'I won't forget, I promise'; it was a golden band with small diamonds set inside. In my suitcase there was a note he wrote me explaining that he actually bought it and didn't steal it, he said, just so I didn't have a wondering conscience.

When I went out, however, I slipped the ring onto my marital finger, just in case there were any prying eyes. The night was cool and calm, a slight wind blew and the stars twinkled high and clear in the sky; clouds were minimal to naught, and, as the wind blew, small goose bumps appeared on my skin. I sighed happily and took in the fresh air; we were maybe four to five days from reaching England, why couldn't the Captain's crew wait out a little longer until they thought up the idea of mutiny?

I walked down the pier, the entire town was silent, save for the bars which bounced with drunken laughter and woman's cackles. I was the only one upon the street, smiling at the world around me, it was more peaceful here than on that boat. Raoul hadn't given me a moment's peace, he was all the time in my room, talking with me and showing me things that he had done, telling me stories, things of that sort. Though, I understood he wanted to get to know me, his constant interruption was quite annoying; as I wandered the streets, staring at the silent buildings around me, I spotted a gaggle of male pirates surrounding a singular woman; her eyes were large and innocent and she trembled, she was attempting to hold up the strap to her dress, which, the men were constantly tugging on. They petted and cooed at her, jarred at her and tried to touch her in places that ought not to be touched unless you (being any gender) are to give your consent.

I narrowed my eyes and had a firm grip on my sword; no one would be harmed that way before me and expect to go away unscathed. I stepped up to the men and tapped one on the shoulder, when he turned, I ripped back my arm and packed all of my power into my punch; slamming my fist directly into his nose and sending him falling backwards. He fell to the ground and stared up to me in awe; I unsheathed my sword. "If you don't want to die, leave her alone, if you do, I await your sword." I hissed, staring from man to man, finally, one of them laughed.

It's a woman! She weak, spineless, and only by a man can she be successful! There's no way I can't win." He hissed, his accent was Irish and he smelt heavily of tequila.

"Really?" I growled. "Come on, then, let's see what you've got." I growled, spitting on his shoe. He drew his sword and threw it at me; I jerked my hands upwards and caught his sword, causing a terrible clanging noise. The girl I was attempting to protect ran off into the night whilst the gaggle of men decided to all face me at once.

What in the hell was I doing?!  

I was grasped from behind and yanked down; my back popped and the breath was yanked from my lungs as I slammed against the cobblestone, I coughed and gasped, and attempted to roll over but I was yanked onto my back again. The Irish man stepped over me and smirked; I wiggled my leg away from the man which held it and kicked the Irish man in the crotch, causing him to squeal like a pig and fall over. I kicked one of the men which held my feet in the face, but, the other grasped both feet and held them down; no matter how much I fought, I couldn't free them! I cried out before I was punched on the cheek and kicked countless times in the ribs. I groaned in pain as breathing became laboring and I felt as if a knife were stabbing into my lungs everytime I did breathe.

Then, I felt a tug on my shirt, a tug upwards. I wiggled and attempted to rip my hands free, but the men had tight grasps on me; my trousers were ripped down, but, that's all that happened. Shouting surrounded me and dizziness overcame me as I attempted to believe what I saw. It was Raoul, he heard the commotion, and was fighting the men! It wasn't just Raoul, though, his crew joined him and beat the men until they ran away, disoriented just like me.

Raoul sighed and now catered to me, pulling my trousers back up and securing my belt; lifting me from the ground and carrying me back ot the boat. "That's the last time I let you off the boat by yourself" he growled, climbing back onto the boat and walking towards the stairs. He opened the door to my room and laid me down, in my bed and sighed; turning and closing the door, then, sitting beside me on the bed, his hand touching my leg. "Why do you get into so much trouble?" He asked with a grin.

"They were....were trying to hurt another girl...I wouldn't let that...that happen" I replied, touching my forehead gently as a headache raged in my cranium. He shook his head and sighed; standing and biting his lip.

Listen" he began, sitting again, his fingers drumming on his knee; he seemed nervous. "I know you don't want to, to get married and be with me, but, I beg of you, Anna, I beg of you. At least attempt to imagine a life with us together; Anna, I'll be as sweet and gentle as a lamb, to you." He said, pausing and ghosting his fingers over my cheek, holding my chin for a moment with his pointer finger and thumb. "At least a thought, Anna.

"We'll be perfect, we'll live wherever you like, we'll have as many children as you like, h-hell, you can even be a pirate if you want! Just...I have to be there, with you, beside you; oh, Anna..." he whispered, fading into silence. "I'll do anything for you, Anna" he whispered, wiggling his hand into my own and smiling. "Do you know why, Anna? Do you know why I'll do anything for you?"

He asked and I groaned, he smiled and leaned closer to me, so I could hear. "It's because I care about you, I care about you more than any other man on this planet could; I know you think that's a lie, but, I swear on everything that it isn't. I swear to you, on anything and everything in this world and any other, that I love you, and I love you more than any other man can. I hold you in such a high place in my heart, Anna, it may mean nothing to you, but, I at least want you to hear me out before you totally disregaurd me altogether...that is, if you haven't already." He paused and bit his lip, fiddling with his shirt.

"I love you" he blurted out and he repeated those singular three words at least ten times. He leaned down and kissed my cheek, sighing afterwards and kissing it again. "I love you" he whispered a final time before slowly leaving; giving me a final glance as he shut the door. I groaned and rolled over, pulling the blanket over my head and enjoying cool darkness; my head swam and I sighed....wait...did Raoul just say he loved me?   

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