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Jungkook's POV:

I wiped the last tears from my cheeks. Yugyeom was just sitting in front of me in silence. I looked up at him to ask one more question.

"But wait, how do you know all of this?"

Yugyeom gave me a small smile.

"Because I'm a ghost" he said and I looked at him with wide eyes.

"What? You're what?" I asked in disbelief.

"Doesn't that mean you're draining out BamBam's energy? Along with all your other friends?" I asked again, shock and disappointment obvious in my voice.

"N-no, I'm not like Taehyung. I was born a ghost." He disapproved defensively.

"Taehyung died like any other normal human being, and turned into a ghost. But for me, my two parents are two ghosts who found love, so they had me." He explained.

"I never had any energy, so I don't effect living beings, and I can live with them peacefully." He said and I nodded slowly. We fell back in a deep unbearable silence.

"You probably need to go back now, Taehyung is waiting for you... " he said after a moment.

"Yeah I should..." I replied with a quiet voice.

"Yeah.. And Jungkook.." He called and I turned my attention to him.

"You have one day to decide, tomorrow, when the sun sets, your choice must be taken... You should whether say goodbye to Taehyung or say goodbye to your parents and friends."he said and I nodded slowly, looking down at my hands.

My heart clinched with every word he pronounced. I then stood up, bid him goodbye and walked back to my room,  trying my hardest not to break down in tears just yet.

I was now in front of the door and went inside, it was then when I saw Taehyung sitting on the bed, his eyes were puffy and red, just like mine. I stood there, by the door, taking in every perfect inch of him. His soft hair that I loved passing my fingers through , his warm eyes that stared lovingly into mine when we cuddled in the dark, his cute pointy nose that brushed against mine every time before we kissed, and his plump pink lips that fit with mine just like a lock and its key.

I just...

I just can't let him go.

I walked closer to Taehyung, sitting beside him and hugging him tightly. "I love you, I love you so much" I whispered to him, new tears forming in my eyes when I smelled his sweet scent. How can I live without this?

Taehyung was silent, he didn't say anything, he just hugged me back and buried his face in my shoulder. I wasn't sure about my choice just yet. But when I hugged him this way, I knew for sure, I can't live without him.

I pulled away and looked Taehyung right in the eye with determination.

" Taehyung, I love you. And I know, and I'm sure, more than anything, that I can't let you go again, I won't let you go." I said with a gentle loving voice, leaning to brush our noses together.

I leaned closer, and pressed my lips on his soft pink ones. But just as I did, Taehyung put his two hands on my chest and pushed me away.

"No... I can't do this..." He whispered  while averting his face from me.

I just stared at him with confusion,I mean, he never pushed me away before.

Taehyung raised his head to look back at me. And I felt my heart shattering at the sight of him, his usually happy eyes held so much pain and misery, they were dull, sad, and teary. He looked like he could break down at any moment, but he was still trying to hide it, trying to act strong.

"I heard everything Yugyeom told you..." He said.

"...How can you say you love me??? I am killing you Jungkook ! I drained out your energy! I disappeared for a year and here I am now ruining everything! You could have moved on with your life,you were doing great ,but I just had to show up and ruin everything!"  He cried with a shaky voice.

"How can you love me? How can you still love me?  You should hate me!!" He screamed.

I tried to calm him down, hug him and tell him that what he was saying was nonsense. I could never hate him, I only loved him more and more with every hard time we go through. But when I tried to put my arms around him, he moved them away, holding them down.

"...And I'm not letting you give up your life for me Jungkook, I already ruined enough, I don't deserve this, I don't deserve you to die for me, you don't deserve it either." He said, tears flowing from his eyes non-stop.

"... We need to separate, you need to go back to your life, and I need to go back to mine."

I was shaking my head feverishly, tears were rolling down my cheeks.

"N-no, no, the choice is mine... Let me choose." I said desperately, and he shook his head no.

"No,  Jungkook.  There was no choice in the first place, you are supposed to live, I didn't show up to steal your life, you should know that... " he said with a determined tone.

I couldn't say anything, there was a lump in my throat blocking every word I had to say, I could do nothing but cry, I felt like I shut down.

"Maybe... After all... We were never meant to be together.." He whispered, he was crying too, and I shook my head while crying.

"We're ove-"

"Stop.." I cried out.  "Whatever you're going to say, stop." I said through tears.

"No Jungkook, we are over. That's it, that's the end. There is no use hanging on to an impossible relationship." He said, his voice surprisingly firm and steady.

"No, I refuse to accept that!" I screamed.  "There must be something we can do! I'm yours, you're mine, we belong together! It can't just end like this!" I shouted through sobs and tears.

Taehyung shook his head, letting my hands go and standing up. "No, Jungkook, there isn't anything we can do, it's over." He said calmly, looking down at me.

I reached for him, holding his shirt, my heart was cracking with every word that left his mouth. "No, please baby don't say this, I choose you, I choose to stay with you, please."

"Jungkook, I already told you, I'm not letting you die, it's done, there is no choice you can do that could change this. We're done." He replied, and I let out a choked sob, burying my face in his shirt.

"N-no, please no." I cried out wile hugging his waist. 

"Don't do this to me Taehyung, don't leave me, please.."

Now that I was on the point of losing him, I wasn't confused anymore. My choice was so obvious and clear, I wanted nothing more than him. I can't let him go,  I can't bear living another day without him by my side.

"I'm sorry my Kookie... I love you, but this is for the best." He said firmly, removing my hands from around his waist.

"Goodbye" he whispered, and leaned to press a kiss on my quivering lips.

"I will always be watching over you."

Protected by a ghost ~Vkook~ (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now