Over (2)

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Jungkook's POV:

"Taehyung... My kitten... " I whispered to the faint image of Taehyung that was standing in front of my eyes.

"I know you hear me, why aren't you saying anything?" I asked.

"Are you shy, because I can see you? You must not be used to talking to people, since everyone doesn't seem to notice you.." I said gentely, trying to touch him. And when the image almost faded away, I let out a gasp and pulled my hand back. Though the action made me snap back to reality, realizing all what I was seeing was nothing more than a hallucination.

"Nooo, no I'm sorry... Don't go, don't go please..." I said while tearing up.

"I won't try to touch you again, just don't go." I reassured, and he smiled softly.

"God, you're beautiful~" I mumbled with a warm smile.

"It's so fascinating how my brain made you. You are so much like him. Your soft hair, your sun kissed skin, your big warm brown eyes, your pink plump lips that turn pouty whenever you speak, your boxy smile, the curve of your neck, even the so small mole on the tip of your nose, they're all the same as him." I whispered.

"But despite all of this, you'll never, ever, be as perfect as him. What a shame that the most perfect image my brain can pull out, will never be even half as perfect as the original. You're flawless, but you're not him..." I said, sorrow lacing in my voice.

"But he left me, forever... " I continued, looking down to the ground and blinking back my tears.

"But at least I have you, right? You're the only thing left from him..." I whispered with a broken voice, then started crying. "They say I'm crazy... They moved me here, in this unbearablly quite place, I'm trapped between these four white walls and this white bed. " I said bitterly, tears rolling down my cheeks, while my eyes wandered around the hospital room. "But it's okay, as long as I still can see you. " I whispered.

"It's okay..."

Taehyung's POV:

I was wondering around the city streets with no aim, no specific direction, for days it seems. I was thinking hard, trying to find a way to make everything right again, but it seemed all my ideas were useless or impossible.

I thought about calling my mother, in this last year, I moved to live with her, since she was dead like me. She said she was sorry she left me, and I was reluctant to open up to her at first. But after a few weeks, I realized her only aim was to have me as her son again. And I gave in, and moved in with her.

It wasn't a bad decision after all, and with time, we became so close. Maybe the reason behind that was that we were both alone, and we needed each other, even though I didn't wanted to admit it.

At least I had someone to talk to, someone to call when I felt down, more specifically when the need to see and hug Jungkook becomes so strong and demanding.

"Mom..." I whispered with a hushed voice when she picked up.

"What is it sweetheart? You don't sound okay." she said from across the line, and I chuckled lowly, her ability to detect the sadness in my voice always amazed me.

"It's about Jungkook..." I whispered with a sigh, sitting on one of the benches I saw nearby.

"It's always about Jungkook" she said with a chuckle.

"What happened, weren't you happy together just five days ago?" She asked, and I bit my lower lip, fighting the tears that formed in my eyes.

"W-we... we had to separate... mom..." I said with a week shaky voice, only the thought made my heart shudder and break all over again.

"I had to tell him goodbye, I had to let him go. I know it's for his best, but I just can't stop regretting it, I can't stop wishing I can still be a part of his life." I said just above a whisper, tears already spilling from my eyes.

"Awww, my brave baby~" she said with a sad voice, and I knew if she was next to me right now, she would hug me tight .

"Not gonna lie, I knew this had to happen in the end. I was just waiting for you to realize it." She said.

"I know, I was so stupid to think that I could stay, I was so stupid to think that I can still make him happy even when I'm a dead, now it hurts much worst, and I know it hurts him just as much, if not more." I said with a bitter chuckle, my voice swimming in self despise. And I heard mom sigh.

"It's okay Taehyung, his scars will heal eventually, they will surely bleed but they're meant to heal. That's life.." She said.

"But what about my scars? They will always bleed as long as I'm forcing myself to stay away from him. I hate myself, and I know, in the moment when Jungkook will die, still young and beautiful, I will hate myself more. I will meet his soul and I will be so ashamed, too ashamed to look up and meet his gaze. I will always think that he still had other long years to live, and I stole those away from him. This mistake that I made can't be reversed, it can't be undone, and its consequences are always gonna haunt me. I... I just can't stand this... I want to make it right, but it seems there is no way out of this endless maze." I said with a bitter voice.

"Taehyung..." Mom said with sympathy, followed by a long silence. I could tell she was debating whether to say what's on her mind or not.

"There is a way out of all of this..." She whispered, and a sparkle of hope shined inside my heart.

Hiiiiiii cutaes!!😄😄😄

Here's an update for youuu!! I hope you enjoyed it!! 💕💕

This week was really tiring, but I only have one week left before winter break so yaaaaayyy 🙌🙌🙌🙌

And I'm so happyyyyyyyy my one shots book won third place in the "21 Century Awards" omgggg 😁😁.

And I'm so happyyyyyyyy my one shots book won third place in the "21 Century Awards" omgggg 😁😁

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And by the way guys, there is a challenge for all of you. There is something that relates all the titles of the chapters of this story with each other. And you can find a hidden sentence, -it's not completed yet since the story is ongoing-. (Forget about the author notes and other stuff..) Can you figure out what it is? If you focus on the titles I'm sure you'll find it.

The winner gets to request a one shot idea, and I will write it gladly.

I hope you'll have an amazing day/night, annyon ~💜💜💜❤❤💜💜💜

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