Chapter 1: Star

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            Frere Jacques frère Jacques I hum quietly as I sit on the subway. I'm in the back corner as far away from everyone as possible. People don't like me much and I'm not in the mood to fight. I continue humming the nursery rhyme. It normally calms me down, from the time my mom sang it to me as a kid it relaxed me, but there's just too much happening. It's stupid to think a simple song can make it all okay. I'm so stupid to think that it will make everything alright. My team is at risk and all I can do is hum a song to myself. My team is going to die, if I can't find them and I have no idea where to start. My hands curl into fists I have to find my team before the Idios do I feel the pressure of my nails digging into my palms, but it doesn't hurt, so I don't care. Easy Star, you don't know when it's too much. Najee's voice cautions in my head. I relax my hands and look at my palms, blood crescents trail across the bottom of my palm. Rolling my eyes, I sit back in the seat. I can't afford to regress, I need everything I've learned from my training to track my team down. Acting irrationally is not going to save them or stop the Idios. I need to be in control. I need to be everything the team made me into and I need to forget the girl I used to be. That girl is useless and weak and she needed to die with her family. My hands curl into fists despite my efforts

Don't want to regress now, do we Star? Kader said that when he saw me getting angry. I snort and shake my head, I miss you Kader. I push my hair back and growl at the length, Keller slips into my head at the thought of my hair. She normally would have cut it by now. If she were here with me now she'd scold me for not wearing a jacket, she'd tug at my hair and wave her scissors at me. Chase would just laugh at us in his lighthearted way. Chase is good like that, innocent in a way the rest of us can never be because of what we've seen and what we've done. Najee slips into my thoughts last, I'm trying to think of him the least. Najee is a bit of a loner, same as me, but he confides in me. Being the leader, they all do, but that's not why he tells me the things he tells me. He tells me his secrets because he can see, that even though I can't feel physical pain, I still know his pain better than anyone else. The moisture threatening to spill from my eyes brings me back to the present and I push thoughts of my team away. I can't afford to get emotional before my team is safe. I need a straight, clear head.

"Hey baby," a guy, I don't recognize, stands in front of me and leans down "what's your defect?" He has short black hair and dark brown eyes. He's tall, six three at least. He has thick muscles and a twisted smile curling his lips back. I smirk and shake my head "you're not even worth my time." I stand and he grabs my arm. "I bet it's something scary." He whispers, his hand tight around my bicep. I laugh

"What's so funny?" He doesn't like being laughed at.

"You have no conscience." I feel the pressure increase around my arm, my body's way of telling me something is on me but if he's hoping to hurt me, his plan is failing.

"I'll give you one free ticket, release me and I won't hurt you" I meet his eyes and his hand falls away. He sees the danger in my eyes, he sees the things I've done and he sees what I can do to him. I smirk "good choice" I go to stand by the doors as he slithers away and takes a seat on the other side of the bus, waiting for another victim. I don't have time to wait around and watch him pick another girl. I could hurt him now or threaten him, but the only way to stop him is to kill him. I don't really have time for that either, besides, I'm not a hero. I'm just a girl looking for her friends.


Please leaves comments and don't forget to vote. This is a story I'm extremely passionate about and am working on getting published so all feedback is appreciated. 

Thanks for reading :D

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