Chapter 54: Najee

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            Star lays in the bed, covered in bruises she felt. Her leg shattered, her ribs broken. That bullet just missed her femoral artery. Her jaw needed plates and screws, it's still wired shut after six weeks. She's breathing normally now, at least, the antigen took almost two days to get out of her blood. Maybe it's because she's so small. He gave her too high of a dose. I don't really care about how. I want her to be better already. This is the worst she's ever been. I lean forward and encase her hand in my own.

"Let me see her." Thierry says, pressing in beside me. He doesn't have any control but he can see her. He and the others came back shortly after we got out. I ignore Thierry and press her hand to my head.

"Come on, shooting star. Just be patient."

"You heard her, Najee." Marco sneers "get lost, we want to have some fun now." My fist slams into Marco's face and nearly knocks him into the pit.

"Stay away from her Marco." I order stepping onto the plank again I meet her eyes, she's scared but the determination in her eyes is undeniable.

"Steady, no sudden moves." I instruct, she's glaring at me, I know I give her too much attention but she's different from the others. She needs extra help.

I feel a large figure behind me too late, my leg flies out from underneath me and the plank jumps. Star's screams trailing after as she falls.


I rush down after her, sliding down the ladder. My knees ache from the pressure of my landing but I run toward the center, the slightest bit of light reaching the bottom illuminating her dark hair.

"Star!" Gently I turn her over and brush her hair out of her face, her face is swelling, I already know her eye socket is broken and her wrist. Her knee and shoulder dislocated. I'd bet her ribs too.

"Star..." I don't know what to say "I'm so sorry." It's the best I can come up with.

I shake the memory away because I don't want to remember that. I don't want to think of how angry she got last time she was hurt, the last time I had to have a coma induced. I close my eyes and rest my head against her hand.

"They're waking you up tomorrow, Star." 

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