Chapter 23: Najee

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             I close the door and fasten my seatbelt completely in sync with Star. We've always been in sync though, we've always fit. I glance at John, still sleeping in the backseat soul mate I want to laugh at it. I've never pictured Star with anyone. Let alone with a soul mate, let alone with me as her soul mate. Soul readers always have to be romantics. I shake my head slightly

I like it Thierry pipes up. I glance at Star as she stares out the window. I doubt there's anyone on this planet that knows her as well as I know her. Then again, she knows me better than anyone on this planet too. I've just begun the game and she's already catching on, she didn't hit me like I expected her to back in Drew's place. She hasn't really fought with me yet. She's biting her tongue, which means the explosion is going to be even worse when it finally does happen.

"Four hours is a long time without a single word." Star finally speaks, she's barely containing her anger. I saw it before, for just a second she lost it, she saw red, but she pulled herself back. It was actually really impressive. She's never brought herself back that quickly before and never without any casualties.

"Are you going to at least talk to me?" Star asks.

"We've gone longer without a word." I start the car. I wait just a second to give her the chance to hit me but she doesn't, she just rolls her eyes and drops her head against the window. Funny, we've never fought like this before. Then again, I've never tried to push her away before either.

"Fine, John doesn't know how to shut up. He'll have no trouble passing the time." Star reaches behind and prods at John.

"John, hey, you awake yet?" Star asks.

I smirk "John isn't going to wake up just because you ask him to." Star has no idea how heavy of a sleeper John is, but Star doesn't ever give up either. Star leans all the way in the back and whispers something in John's ear. John bolts upright, I can see his wide eyes in the rearview mirror. His face is red and his eyes find Star, he and she both burst into laughter.

"You got me there." John laughs "I like you when you're yourself." John stretches and sits up. "So, where to?"

"D.C." Star and I say at the same time, always in sync I sigh to myself. I cast a glance at Star what did she say to him? I wonder John doesn't wake up for anyone and never that quickly or without a fight.

"Here." Star hands John a blueberry bagel with a thin spread of cream cheese. I smirk a little to myself because there's no way Star got that right. Star and I eat breakfast every morning together. John got Star when she was on a mission, I doubt she ate regularly or even chose her own food.

"Hey, the fruit cream cheese." John smiles at Star she got it right I curse to myself silently.

"How'd you know?" He asks taking another bite. Star shrugs, she doesn't even look at me. "Najee and I don't eat fruity cream cheese, it's one you'd go out of your way to ask for so I figured it must be for you."

"You guessed right." John is still smiling. He's always smiles, he's a happy guy but Star doesn't always smile and she's smiling at John and it's grating on my nerves.

"It wasn't really a guess." I interject "She's trained to pick up the most minute details. Noticing the extra cream cheese in the bag and knowing that no one else in the car likes it and deducing the, common sense reasoning, that it must be yours is just paying any sort of attention to what's happening around her." I hate that it annoys me that she's found another friend. I glance at John, he looks a little hurt and he's trying to catch my eyes, but I look away before he can. Star cocks her brow at me.

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