Chapter 47: Mason

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          It feels good to be out, Najee securely tucked in. I watch this guy struggle in my hand.

It's been awhile and it feels so good. I tighten my hand just to see how tight I can squeeze his

neck before I squeeze the life out of him.

"What's your name?" I ask still squeezing his neck, his mouth flapping open. "you look like a fish like that." I watch him, his lips turning colors.

"You know, Najee used to get so upset when I'd take his stupid gold fish out of its bowl and leave it flopping around on the ground." I shake my head. Najee didn't used to be as strong as he is now.

"It's just interesting, you know, watching something die, knowing you have the power to give or take life." I sigh thinking of that stupid fish, how much Najee cared about it. He'd just watch it for hours and me, he locks me away until he needs something done.

"You know I didn't appreciate it when you threw Najee into the chair." I tell him "I know he's annoying but you kind of inconvenienced me too and that, I have a problem with." The man's struggle is getting weaker and weaker. He's probably light headed, dizzy, losing strength. "This always takes longer than I remember." I let the man slide down to the floor before bending down to get the legs of the chair off of my ankles these things really hung on. The ropes are tight, those legs are really digging in there. I take a knife off the guy, all of these guys carry a knife.

I wonder if Star carries a knife now. I cut the ropes.

"Hey, Thierry" I call him up "how old is Star now?"

Leave her alone, Mason, she hasn't done anything to you.

"Don't be like that, Thierry." I chuck the pieces of leg away and crack my neck "just tell me how

old she is and I'll let you out when I find her."

I don't trust you Thierry is being overly defensive.

"Got it, you still got a crush on her." I grab the key card from the guys' belt and head toward the

door. "From the tidbits I could see, Najee and her had a thing for a second."

It's not your business Thierry snaps at me.

I hold my hands out "look, Thierry, really this is your fault. You're the one that likes her so much, it's affecting the rest of us and now you don't want to share her?"

Just leave her alone, just leave, if you're not going to help them stop the Idios

"News flash, Thierry, if it weren't for Najee and your huge crush on Star, I'd be an Idio." I head

to the door but I don't see a slot.

At least I have something Thierry barks at me you've got nothing.

"Oh, I've got plenty. I'm just not tied down like the rest of you." I knock on the door "hey, ready

to come out now."

Go bother someone else Thierry is being especially aggressive now.

"I get it..." I can't help but laugh, he's so pathetic "she picked just Najee, didn't she?"

It's none of your business. Thierry yells at me.

I laugh harder "I think it's my business considering our situation."

Just leave her alone, go bother Keller. She's pretty. Besides Kader's a wuss, you can take him

much easier than you can take Star.

"Heard Najee was wanting to tell Star about his dirty little secret." I bang on the door again.

"Ready to come out now!" I yell.

He already told her Thierry hesitates.

"You liar." I laugh at him "awe... it's just gonna break her heart when she finds out."

Don't tell her Thierry's desperate.

"Tell me how old she is." I stand in front of the door "and when I find her I won't tell her what

Najee did."

She's sixteen now... Thierry breaks.

"That's the problem with you Thierry, you and I were tight before you met that girl." I shake my

head, it's almost sad. "and then she became your weakness."

Please, Mason, leave her alone.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt her." I hear gears and a click and the door falls in. I smile at him

"Hey, Adler. How's it been?"

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