Chapter 40: Najee

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          I finish my clean up and hang up my apron. Danielle is still here too. She's a bit of a suck up, she wants my approval. I feel her approach me as I head towards the door. Her footsteps are soft but I can hear them, especially when she quickens her pace.

"Hey" she slips in front of me before I can reach the door.

I sigh trying to hide my annoyance "Hi."

"Tired?" She tilts her head. She's closer to my height. I don't have to drop my head to look at her like I do with Star. It's almost strange to be this close to a girl that isn't Star, even Keller doesn't usually come this close to me.

"Yeah" I reach for the handle but she catches my hand. She's not strong like Star is. She didn't have me in a death grip like Keller would. Her hands are soft.

"Would you mind helping me with a few techniques?" She asks batting her eyes.

"I'm really tired." I try to side step her but she follows me.

"Not tonight." I try to step around her again but, again, she moves with me. She steps closer and her hands find their way onto my waist. I feel my cheeks turn red, no one touches me like this.

"Please keep your hands to yourself." I step away from her but she advances. I can't hit her. I can't push her away. She's not durable like Keller or Star is. If I hurt her, even by accident, it could ruin the mission.

"Why would I do that?" She giggles walking me into a wall. IDIOT I scream at myself. She brushes her hands over my shoulders. Her eyes widen slightly "you're stronger than I thought." She smiles and brushes her fingertips over my neck. I've never felt so uncomfortable in my life.

"I'm not interested, Danielle." I try to gently nudge her away but she grabs my hands again.

Thierry I call to him, he usually takes over at times like this.

"Are you gay?" She asks.

"No, but what does that have to do with anything?" I'm a little taken aback by the question.

"Then I think you're interested." She presses me against the wall and I can feel my face burning. She's weak, she's breakable, but I can't do anything.

Thierry I call again.

"Please, Danielle." I feel weak. "Please stop it."


"Just relax." She breathes into my ear. She smells like artificial fruit. "You don't have to hide under all those layers." She pushes the button out and reaches into my shirt. Her touch is nothing like Star's


"Don't" It's all I can do. All my training worthless, because she's too weak for me to fight. 


This was a scene I was excited to write because I don't think people who haven't been in a a situation where someone is forcing themselves on you. how powerless you feel, even if you're not powerless. Sometimes you can just freeze or react in strange and unexpected ways and it doesn't just happen to girls.

let me know your thoughts on this and I can't wait for you to see how this ends. 

Please leaves comments and don't forget to vote. 

and of course , thank you so much for reading :D

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