Chapter 42: Najee

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           I slip down the hall past the cook's quarters up the elevator to Kader's floor. Star should have reached Keller by now. I wish she would've just used the ear bugs. Drew has never let us down before. I just don't understand her aversion to using the gear.

Kader's room is three doors down from the elevator. I slip into the room without a sound only to find Keller laying across the bed on her back with her head hanging over the side while Kader does push-ups on the floor.

"Star just went to your room to tell you something." I stand by the door and wait to be invited in.

"What'd she want to tell me?" Keller asks turning onto her belly. I drop my eyes to the floor when I realize she's only in a t-shirt.

"What are you doing in here?" I demand "Star said we have to keep our distance."

"You guys aren't sleeping in the same room?" Kader continues his push-ups.

"No, she's upstairs where Keller is supposed to be." I shake my head "forget it, Star stopped by my room. We were trying to figure out why this plan is working for the Idios and the ways they could launch the nukes." I take a step into the room and wait for Keller to object but she doesn't care.

"and what'd you guys decide on?" Keller sits up and pulls the blanket over her for my sake.

"Have you guys noticed the security around here?" I ask.

"Yeah." Keller scoffs.

"It sucks." Kader exhales as he pushes himself back up.

"Exactly, it's because they're all Idios."

"We knew that." Keller says.

"Have you ever heard of a patient Idio?" I try again. Keller and Kader hesitate before shaking their heads.

"They don't know when it's going to happen." The second the words are out of my mouth they both jump to their feet.

"The head guy must not be an Idio." Keller grabs Kader's arm.

"Can't be." Kader agrees not even flinching.

"We're not sure about that but if they don't know when it's happening then we're not sure how they plan on launching the nukes." I go on.

"What are the options?" Kader asks.

"Star thinks they'll either threaten the president to use the codes or they're going to impersonate the president and order an attack."

"It wouldn't be hard to step into the President's position for an hour." Keller says.

"Yeah, it was easy when I did it and launching some nukes wouldn't even take an hour." Kader adds. "probably could use an upgrade for nuke launching...

"On top of that," I ignore Kader's last comment "he's already got his guys in place." Keller swings her braid around as she thinks of the potential scenarios.

"Exactly." I agree "At this point our plan is still the same. Wait, watch and stop the Idios before they can launch the nukes."

"Got it." Kader says.

"What about a Lexic?" Keller suggests.

"Star said he didn't have any." I tell her.

"Yeah, lexics aren't Idio types." Kader continues his push ups at a steady pace.

"Right..." Keller hears us but she's still thinking.

"Star doesn't want any contact with the earbugs unless absolutely necessary." I glance between Kader and Keller "and she wants us in our own rooms." I step toward the door.

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