Chapter 20: Najee

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         I feel hollow inside. Leaving Star, the first time was hard, that was for her own good though. Leaving her in that room makes me physically ill. I swallow the bitterness of yet another betrayal and continue up for another shift. I pass by Lucy's cell, I can hear her shivering that must be why Star and Lucy were sharing a bed I think as I linger outside of the cell. Star isn't bothered by the cold though I watch as Lucy scrunches up into a tighter ball in an attempt to keep her warmth. Star did it for Lucy. I watch Lucy as if standing here will tell me why Star has taken a liking to her. Star doesn't really like anyone. Lucy has nothing to offer Star, she's not particularly skilled at anything, she's a level five so she provides a nice distraction but there's no reason for Star to go out of her way to make Lucy more comfortable. Must be that personal growth I've missed I almost can't help but mock myself. She would have gotten out of here on her own. I leave Lucy freezing in her cell and head toward my actual station in the control room.

Everything is perfect as Lucy and the others are let out for dinner, I finished disabling the last defense line an hour ago, the sun is close to setting, my sleepless night will hit me once Star is safe and free again. I walk past the tables and smile to myself as Lucy sits there, ready to go. She's sitting taller than usual, she's confident, the kind of confidence Star has always strived for and never quite achieved.

"Where are you headed?" One of the guards asks with a coffee in one hand and a donut in the other. "Checking on solitary." I say easily "keep your ears out, if she's ready to come out I'll need help."

"Just let me know." The man walks away and I head down the stairs and back toward Star. I swipe my card and find Star sitting in the corner, her arms wrapped around her legs, her lips moving but no sound coming out. There are dried tears on her cheeks, just like the time I threw her in there.

"Alright." I let Star go, she's shaking from fear, panic, desperation. There's dried tear trails down her face along with fresh tears spilling even now. Her hands are bruised, probably broken from pounding on the door.

"Let's get you fixed up." I reach for her hand but she flinches away from me. Her head is down, she's hunched forward.

"I can't let you out if you're going to freak out again." I warn her offering my hand. She takes my hand, reluctantly and lets me pull her to her feet.

"Don't put me in there again." More tears spill down her face and she's squeezing my hand. Star doesn't only not feel pain, it's easy for her to forget that others do. She's got a tight grip. I watch her eyes, I can't promise her I won't, her kind is prone to outbreaks. It's inevitable, she'll have another bad day, she'll get angry with someone and she'll lose it.

"We'll have to dose you instead then." I say.

She brightens "yes, yes dose me instead," she grabs my hand with both of hers as if I've offered her her favorite dessert in the world. Just not that room again, please." I feel guilt for the torture I've put her through. It's not supposed to be torture, it's supposed to be a time out. She just took so long to calm down. It usually only takes an hour or two but she was in there for over thirteen.

"I won't put you in there again." I say as she squeezes the feeling out of my hand.

"Star." I reach for her, she looks up at me and I see the relief in her eyes. This isn't the same as last time. I didn't put her here, this is just another mission. Any word spoken against the team means nothing, anything that seems like a betrayal is a cover.

"Thank goodness, I was just getting bored." She takes my hand and I help her onto her shaky legs.

"Ready to go?" I ask her.

"I don't know." She steps through the thresh hold of the door "this place was kind of growing on m-" her words a cut short when someone grabs her and slams her into the wall.

"Rookie, what do you think you're doing taking her out by yourself?" Rob stands with a taser pressed into Star's back, she really doesn't need anymore nerve damage from those things but I can tell that's the last thing on her mind.

"What's your name?" Star asks Rob, she's smiling, it's funny because she knows he doesn't stand a chance.

"Rob." He smirks at her, he can't see her smile "a name you should get used to because I'm gonna be the one-" Star kicks off the wall and head butts Rob straight in his chin. His teeth clamp together and he falls straight to the ground. Star looks at the others, she's not under cover any more, she's not the girl that first came to the compound.

"Here's how this is going to go..." she says. She stands in the center of all of them, her eyes scanning their weapons, their faces, their stances. She's graceful in the way she moves as she kicks at the man closest to her. Reaching for his gun another one is quickly taken out by Star's elbow. Star is tiny amongst all of these men. She looks delicate when she wants to but now, now she is lethal and anyone stopping her from what she wants had better pray she's feeling generous. One of the guard's get their hand on his gun and he levels it at Star, he's too far from her. She catches him and her hand flies to her waist where her knife would normally sit. She quickly changes tactics and dives underneath one of the guards. The guard pulls the trigger just as I get to him. I grab his hand and twist it until I hear a crack. He screams and drops his gun. Star slips out from underneath the other guard and leaps at the final one standing there, just watching, he's new, today its his first day. Star has him pinned, she smiles and lowers her face to his.

"Boo." She laughs, the guard flinches. She takes his tranq gun and points it at his thigh "night night." She pulls the trigger without the slightest hesitation and takes off. She glances back once but I'm already behind her they were right I can't help but think as I watch her fly down the hall she doesn't need us.

"Lucy!" Star calls as she reaches the top of the stairs and straight into a mess. I meet her there, abnorms are everywhere. Taking their revenge on their captors. The guards scrambling to figure out what's wrong with the security. Star looks to me and smiles "nice job." She takes off using others for cover as she beelines across the room for Lucy.

"Lucy!" I call for her. Lucy finally looks toward us as Star grabs her hand.

"Let's get out of here." Star pulls her off the table and through the mess of people. Star takes people down easily, I can see the surprise on Lucy's face. Star doesn't look like she can do any of what she does.

I meet the girls across the room and swipe my card. The light flashes red.

"You didn't think that one would work, did you?" Lucy asks. Star gives her a sharp look and I can't help but smile.

"No, he didn't." Star steps forward and holds the taser she took of one of the guards to the scanner mechanism.

"It'll shock you." Lucy says.

"She doesn't care." I push Lucy back a step when Star hits the juice, the machine short and the door falls open. Star has a few black spots on her hand, she doesn't even notice.

"Let's go." Star is out first, Lucy right behind and I take just a second to appreciate the work we've left behind. 


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