Chapter 46: Najee

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          My head is pounding, I can feel my hands tingling from being tied behind my back. I test my body to see if I'm hurt. I wait to feel a stab of pain as I shift and rotate as much of my body as I can. My ankles sting when I move them, finally, I lift my head and find myself in a dark room. There are a few lights over-head but the brightest one on me.

Idios are often masters of torture, they know just about every form of torture between them. From being sick enough to try it on as many people as they can get their hands on, to doing it to each other. Idios are the worst creatures human kind has to offer, yet their abnormalities are some of the most common.

"Wake up."

A thump on the back of my head makes my vision go out for just a second.

"Keep it up." Thierry warns." The hand sinks into my hair and yanks my head back.

"What are you going to do about it?" The Idio chuckles and shoves my head back down.

"Nothing yet." Thierry rolls our neck to make it pop a few times. "but soon." He lifts our eyes to the Idio and smirks but I freeze.

"Danielle?" Thierry voices my confusion.

"You hero types always think you can find a way." Danielle laughs. Thierry throws his head back and laughs too. I catch the surprised look on the Danielle's face before Thierry closes our eyes.

"Najee is a hero type." Thierry chuckles again.

"Najee?" Danielle asks her eyes look me over. It only takes me a second to recognize the training.

"You're from the compound." Thierry says, "I've seen you before."

"You train us to see everything and you can't remember my face?" She scoffs and shakes her head "Of course not. How could you, when you spent all your time looking at that dwarf." She shakes her head.

"Ava." It hits me, her hair is longer and lighter but it's definitely Ava. She's older than Star but they were in the same group. "But maybe I'm talking to the wrong personality." She looks me up and down "maybe you don't care about Star."

Thierry laughs "I care about three things." He looks Ava in the eye "Myself, having fun and my girl." Thierry doesn't seem to mind the pain.

"Star is just everyone's top priority, isn't she?" Ava asks, dragging a chair up and taking a seat using it backwards.

"Yeah." Thierry smiles "she deserves it."

"Tell me something." Ava says, clearly annoyed with Thierry's response.

"Depends what it is, Star likes her privacy." Thierry sits back against the chair feigning nonchalance but we're both looking to escape and get any information we can.

"Why is Star so special, Adler spent a lot of time creating something just for her, watching her. Even after you recruited her, trained her, he kept an eye on her."

"That's how he knows about her." Thierry shakes his head how did you guys not see him, he had to have been there to see what happened that day.

No one else was in the house I tell him we didn't pick anything up, he could have had cameras but he would have had to install them before. We'd been watching her since she was six.

"He wanted to recruit her but she wasn't a good candidate, she doesn't love her defect." Ava

frowns at me "is that why you like her so much, you both share a hatred for yourselves?"

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