Chapter 22: Star

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         I wake to find Najee hallway rolled on top of me. I nudge him to wake him up, he doesn't budge.

"Najee." I nudge him again. His eyes slide open and the first thing he sees is me. He freezes as if he got caught. He looks down at himself and he jumps back and flips off the bed. I sit up and look at him on the floor. He still has sleep in his eyes, he looks a little dazed but he gathers himself quickly and clears his throat

"Sorry." He says, climbing to his feet.

"It's fine." I assure him throwing the covers off. He goes to his bag and grabs a pair of jeans, a grey t-shirt and a light blue sweater and throws it at me.

"Get dressed, we've gotta move." Najee doesn't look at me, but I can tell he's still tired.

"Yeah, we do." I head into the bathroom and pull my clothes on, I come out with my pajamas balled up and stuff them back in the bag.

"I've done what you asked." I grab his hand "now it's your turn." We look at each other for a moment, measuring each other up. Noting each other's body language and getting a feel for the other's mental state.

"Right." He nods once and takes a seat in the chair. I lean against the table and take a breath.

"The Idios have a plan." I say, why not get straight to the punch line?

"They've always had the same plan, Star." Najee rolls his eyes "and they can never carry it out."

"This is different." I assure him "They have a new leader and a plan." I tell him "and they've already started it."

"Star, there's no way they've implemented a plan that we haven't noticed, there's been no power outages, no scuffles, nothing but the usual group of Idios starting riots in cities. Nothing even worth making it on the news."

"Najee, that's the point, to look normal. Had they stopped they would have looked suspicious, we would have looked closer, but they haven't and they've been recruiting just like we have."

"Star, they don't have the mental capacity to do what you're implying."

"Najee, I'm aware they don't." I grind my teeth trying to keep my impatience from getting the better of me "I know exactly what you're thinking, Najee, I didn't believe it myself. Not until I saw the rest of their plan. Their very well put together, well diagramed and already well underway plan."

"What is it they're trying to do?" Najee still isn't taking this seriously. "Civil wars, small scale disputes, start another genocide?" He asks.

I level Najee with my eyes. I straighten my spine and unfold my arms "In one week, they're going to set off the nukes." I say. Najee laughs, he throws his head back and he laughs.

"Star, I understand your concerns, but the Idios can't accomplish something like this."

I feel my temper slip, I feel it in plenty of time to grab hold of it again but I don't. I plant my fist in Najee's gut. He double over and gasps for breath.

"You are not listening." I growl "a regular Idio is not the one leading them." I step back and let him catch his breath.

"It's a new guy, Idio type abnormality but he's got his head on straight, someone taught him control."

"You can't teach an Idio control, Star." Najee shakes his head. I turn sharp eyes on him and ignore the sting of his words.

I press my shoulders back "you taught me control." I remind him. Realization dawns on his face immediately.

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