Chapter 19: Star

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           Calm down I order myself Get ahold of yourself I dig my nails into my arms. My hands shake, my thumb is broken. There's blood, it's staining the gown, the floor. My pulse pounds in my ears, the red tints my vision.

"Calm down!" I scream at myself grabbing at my hair.

Don't pull your hair out Keller's voice is in my hair otherwise you'll need to get extensions for missions I can see her smirking at me, I can feel her hands in my hair.

"Stop it!" I scream "get off me!" I jump to my feet and swing out, my fist hits the wall, I hear the crack.

"Get a grip." I scream at myself "get a grip!" I scream hitting the wall again. The walls are so close, the air is thin. It's too thin I can't breathe.

"Let me out!" I scream slamming my fist into the door "let me out, I'm fine now, I'm fine!" I can feel the breaks in my hand, the hairline fractures. I focus on them, I catalog the breaks.

"Broken thumb." I say, "from pulling it free from the handcuff." I fall back into the wall "dislocated arm." I slide to the floor "from fighting with the guards." I flex my hand, I can hear the bones crunching. It's already bruising, the swelling is making my skin stretch around the fluids. "Knuckles broken, left hand, pinky and ring. Left hand, knuckle, middle finger. Fracture in my wrist." I force myself to breathe. Name the exits Keller's voice is in my head.

"One exit. No vents, no windows." I swallow my panic how do you escape? Keller's voice is insistent.

"I can't." I dig my nails into my arms again "I'm stuck."

How do you escape? Keller asks again.

"I can't. I say again "you need to come get me."

How. Do you. Escape.

"Bide my time." My heart rate is slowing "they have to open the door sometime." I press myself back into the wall and squeeze my eyes shut.

The anger is so overwhelming I can't see straight, everything is red,

"Star." Kader smiles and opens his arms to me "hey, how's it-" my fist connects with Kader's face, blood spurts from his nose and he stumbles back. He grabs his nose and turns wide surprised eyes on me.

"What the heck, Star!" Kader yells at me. I jump at him, everything is red.

"Star!" Najee's voice breaks through the red, he's pulling me off Kader. Kader is lying there, blood is all over him, all over my hands. I'm still angry.

"Let me go!" I scream whirling on Najee but unlike Kader, Najee is ready. He easily catches my hands and pins them across my body.

Let go!" I try to kick him, he pushes me to the ground.

"Take her to solitary." Keller yells trying to get Kader to wake up.

"Calm down, Star." Najee drags me down the hall.

"Let me go!" I squirm in his grasp but he's so much stronger and he's got a solid grip on me.

"Star, I don't want to do this to you but, you're not giving me a choice." Najee drags me through door after door, hallway after hallway. I fight the whole way.

"I'll be out here, when you calm yourself down you can come out." Najee shoves me into the room and locks the door.

"Let me out!" I scream at the door, I punch the door, I kick it and I scream again, the red is everywhere.

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