Chapter 23

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"Don't take her in! Give her to me!"

"Because you love her!"

My eyes flung opened. Voices inside my head forced me to wake up and my head started aching so  I rubbed my forehead cursing under my breath.

Where am I??

I got up and looked around the strange room.

Morning spilled through the small window making a warmth inside. It was a big room with a bed, a tall book shelf with some old looking books ,a wooden  cupboard and  huge mirror infront of the bed.

I freaked out when I saw my image in it!
I looked horrible!

Wearing the same white gown from last night and totally messed up hair made me look like a ghost!

What happened last night??

I tried to recall. The only thing I remembered was that I fainted infront of Taehyung and then I heard a  loud sound.

I'm not sure what it is but it's pretty loud.
I don't know what happened after that.

Did he brought me to this place?

I walked to the door and slowly turned the door knob  opened it quietly.

Then I entered to a dark corridor and at the very end of it I saw a dim light.
It was another room. I carefully walked towards it trying my best not to make a sound.

I saw someone sitting on a couch back facing me inside the room and he had a piece of paper in his hand.

"No.. it can't be..." he muttered and a flicker of hope glowed in me as I heard his voice!

I stepped towards him.



( Narrator's pov )

《 Flash back 》

Jimin washed his hands and buttoned his coat hiding the red stain in his white shirt.

He looked at Jiyeons lifeless body for the last time. He really didn't wanted to kill her.

His phone rang.

"Did you kill her?"

"Yes just did"

"Good. We have to change our plans "

"What do you mean?"

"I'm thinking of getting rid of Taehyung as soon as possible so we don't need that girl anymore"

Jimin startled.

"W..what do you want me to do?"

"Kill her"

《 End of the flash back 》

MK walked to the window looking at the sky. He frowned as the sun rays hit his face, he never liked the light. Darkness is the only thing he loved. He was angry. He wanted to make  Taehyungs death a misery but it's too late. Taehyung was already gone.

"We have to change everything " he turned to his followers.

"Jimin isn't coming back "

"But sir! He told us that he'll be here with the girl" one of the gangsters said loudly and they startled as their boss let out a mocking laugh.

"With the girl!? No he'll never bring her here... and he ruined my golden chance!.... all my plans are ruined!"

"What do we do now sir?"

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