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"i told you it was $55 for 5 g's and 2 packs of rilos!" aiden yelled.

i woke up to the sound of yelling, and decided to take a peak at what it was. aiden was making a drug deal in the house, and things obviously weren't going well.

"well, i have $45." the person that was buying off aiden argued.

"then you," aiden poked the guys chest, "don't get your stuff."

the guy reached out to try to the steal the bag of weed from aiden, but he was too slow.

aiden then shoved him and tossed the bag else where.

"bro come on, i'll get the $10 to you later." the guy tried to reason.

"no. the deal was $55 for 5 g's and 2 packs of rilos, and you only have $45." aiden shoved him again.

"are you that broke that you can't live with out an extra $10?"

this guy was riling aiden up, and he knew exactly what words to say to do it.

"why don't you go steal the extra $10 from your mommy and daddy huh?" he argued.

if the anger in aiden wasn't already visible enough, it was now blinding.

"don't say that."

"why? i mean you live in this nice house, what stripper money did your mom cough up to get it?"

once he said that, i knew that was it for him.

aiden pounced on him in an instant, knocking him off his feet.

he punched the guy in the face, first with his left hand, then his right.

left, right, left, right, left, right.

he grabbed the guy by the hair and and pulled him up to his feet, just to pick him up and throw him down again.

"my parents are dead!" he yelled, basically crying.

he grabbed the guys head and bashed it into the floorboard, doing it repeatedly.

the guy fell unconscious, and aiden got off him.

he kicked the guy in the ribs while he was down, and grabbed the $45 from him.

i looked over at him from the top of the stairs, and we made eye contact.

he was crying, and his face was red.

i couldn't help but get teary eyed, all my life i knew aiden was smart. i always thought he would amount to good things, great things even. he was on that path, but then completely went downhill when my parents passed. he used to be such a kindhearted, all around fun guy. now, he's a mess, he has no friends, zero. he lives his life drowned in drugs and alcohol, and can't seem to save himself.

"i can't do this anymore." he said, sitting down on the floor.

i decided i wouldn't bother him, so i went back into my room.

i will never ever forgive myself for going back in my room that day. i could've tried to help aiden, or just talk to him atleast. but no, my selfish self went back into my room that day and did absolutely nothing. little did i freakin know by doing that, how much my life would be affected.

something bad is about to happen btw

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