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grayson and ethan picked me up to get breakfast before school. i got to choose where we were having breakfast, and of course, i chose chick-fil-a.

i'm using my money from the dare to pay, even know just looking at it makes me want to throw up. having this money is a reminder of how i got it, it makes me feel gross.

"chick-fil-a is so overrated." ethan complained as grayson pulled into the parking lot.

"quit whining." grayson argued back, parking the car.

we all got out of the car and made our way into chick-fil-a.

"save me a spot in line, i'm going to the bathroom!" ethan yelled.

grayson and i nodded, and watched as ethan trotted into the bathroom.

i turned my attention backs towards grayson, he rubbed his eyes and let out a yawn.

"i'm sorry grayson, i shouldn't have kept you up." i said.

"no it's okay, really." he shot me a tired smile.

"you seem so tired-"

"remember when i told you that you can always talk to me, even late at night? im a man of my word." he cut me off.

i flashed him a smile, then pulled him in for a hug.

he hugged me back tightly, and didn't let go until i pulled away first.

"you give really good hugs." i complimented, making him laugh.

"it's my talent."

we made small talk for a minute or two, when ethan came back.

"okay im back." he suddenly emerged, cutting the both of us in line.

"you're the fastest pee-er ever." i said, earning a laugh from him.

"thank you, it's what i do best."

he then tried to squeeze in front of grayson and i in line, but his attempt failed.

"hey, we saved you a spot behind us dip shit." grayson joked, starting to laugh.

"yeah, no cutsies." i agreed.

"ugh, y'all suck." he pouted.

right as he said that, the bell to the door rang, indicating someone came in.

"yo, what's up!" grayson suddenly called.

"sup guys." ethan said.

i turned around to see who walked in, and my heart dropped.

"sup dudes- oh, and scarlett." gilinsky said hey to them, and smirked at me.

johnson looked at gilinsky and i, and then started laughing.

"what's so funny bro?" gilinsky nudged him, basically telling him to shut up.

"nothing, nothing."

"get in line with us, we'll all sit together." grayson exclaimed.

grayson, i like you a lot. but i also hate you.

"yeah, why not?" johnson agreed.

they came in line with us, and gilinsky purposely smushed through everyone to stand next to me.

he discretely put his hand on the small of my back, and moved it lower until it rested on my butt.

"i have to go the bathroom." i instantly sprang away from him, and made a be-line to the bathroom.

once i made it into the bathroom i went into the biggest stall, and paced around in it.

"just act normal scarlett." i said to myself. "act like nothing happened."

i let out a breath and walked out of the stall, and looked at myself in the mirror.

i was wearing an oversized white champion hoodie with black leggings, and my white nike prestos.

ever since this shit with jack, i've been dressing so conservative. now, even the thought of a guy looking at me makes me want to hide in a corner.

i let out one more breath, and then nodded at myself in the mirror before heading back in line.

when i got back out, everyone was sitting at a table except for gilinsky, who was still in line.

"no one knew what you wanted, so they all ordered and went to get spots. me being the good person i am, volunteered to wait with you to get your food."

i scoffed at his comment, and hesitantly joined him in line.

fillerishh chapter

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