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the day after the drug deal mishab, was hands down one of the worst days of my life.

tuesday morning, one step closer to the weekend!

i got up out of bed and began to do my normal school routine, wearing something a little bit cuter than yesterday. i grabbed my charger, headphones, and phone before heading downstairs.

as i walked out of my room to go downstairs, i heard water running from aidens room.

wow, he's actually awake for once.


i walked into his room to say bye and that i'll see him after school, when i noticed water seeping under the door.

what the fuck?

i turned the knob to his bathroom door, cracking it open.

"aiden?" i called for him.

no answer.

i opened the door all the way, and my heart instantly dropped, i felt like i couldn't breathe all of the sudden.

"no aiden!" i screamed, instantly starting to cry.

aiden floated around in the red bath water, upside down.

i grabbed his soaking wet shirt and flipped him over to see his face.

his lips were completely blue, as was the rest of his face. i looked at his wrists, they were completely slashed.

"no, no, no, aiden come on!" i tried to pull him up.

the weight of him added with his soaking wet clothes made it nearly impossible to drag him up, but i did.

"i'm bringing you to the hospital okay? you'll be okay. please be okay." i cried, even know i already knew he was dead.

i ran over to his bed to get his phone, when something else caught my attention.

a note from him, to me.

i opened up the folded paper, and began read it.

(a/n the note is in itslics)

dear scarlett,

there are many selfish people in this world, and im one of them. im selfish for leaving you alone, but i had to do. my life has had no meaning for the past 3 years, and it wasn't going to pick up anytime soon. every time i stormed off and didn't come back for days, i spent my time thinking. i spent my time thinking about mom and dad, our life before, my life before. i was about to graduate from stanford scarlett! i was about to live out my dream in becoming a therapist, i had everything planned out. i was going to live with my beautiful wife and our kids, in a 2 story house in texas. i guess some dreams aren't meant to come true though. i used to have friends, and a girlfriend... i used to be happy. now i have no one, no one but myself. i had no passion in anything anymore, and my life of drugs and alcohol turned me into such a bad person. it turned me into a monster. i have about $2000 in a duffle bag in my closet, please do something with it. i know i never showed it ever, but i love you scarlett. you were the only piece of family, or anything that i had left... but you're better off with out me. im sending you off with this goodbye, this final goodbye. i know you can make it scarlett, i have faith in you.

see you in another life, hopefully things can work out better. i love you so much...


i clutched the letter to my chest, and fell to the ground. i curled up in a little ball, and started to scream.

i screamed at aiden, screamed at him for leaving me. i screamed at him for forcing me to live by myself, and everything else i could think of.

i began to sob uncontrollably, to the point where i was hyperventilating.

how could he do this to me?

i ended up getting lost in my thoughts, thinking about my life before my parents death.

everything was perfect, so frikin perfect. aiden was about to graduate, i was starting highschool, my parents had such good jobs.

all good things come to an end, and this was definitely one of them.

i legit cried writing this, im sorry for anyone that gets triggered by this stuff easily.

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