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before i knew it, gilinsky and johnson were at my house, sitting on my living room couch.

"scarlett and i are going upstairs for a little." gilinsky randomly blurted.

not really paying attention, i laughed at what he said.

he grabbed my hand and began to lead me upstairs, and to my room.

i tripped as i walked in, which made him laugh.

"are you crossed right now?" he asked.

"justttt a little." i laughed, making him laugh too.

i sat down on my bed, and watched as he sat next to me.

"you're comfortable in this?" he asked, grabbing the strap of my tank-top.

"no, not really." i replied, grabbing some of the fabric and pulling at it.

"i can help with that." he said.

i furrowed my eyebrows together, i can't tell if being crossed is making me less aware or more aware of anything.

"i uh-" i started.

"it's fine, i got it." he interrupted.

he lightly pushed me down on my bed, so i was lying down. he grabbed the bottom of my tank-top and scrunched it up in his hands, and pulled it over my head.

everything started to become fuzzy now, i couldn't see right. i swear gilinsky had 3 eyes, and i started to trip out.

"holy fuck." i said, and started to laugh.

"what's so funny?"

"you-you have three eyes." i laughed even harder, and reached up to point at it.

gilinsky lightly grabbed my wrist and placed it over my head, "so, you're okay?"

uh what?

"what do you mean okay?" i asked.

"so you're okay? like okay with this?"

"you're third eye?"

"no, i mean you're laughing and stuff right now. so im guessing that means yes, you're good?"

"i'm-" i started, wanting to say im confused, but was interrupted.

"actually, yeah you're okay. just go with it, alright?"

i nodded my head, not really knowing what he was talking about.

he grabbed my other arm and pinned it over my head as well, his light grip now becoming tight.

he immediately started to kiss my neck, which made me squirm.

"jack." i said, becoming uncomfortable.

i tried to pull away from him, but i was stuck. he had my arms pinned above me, and was practically on top of me.

he kissed me down my neck, and his lips started to travel down to my boobs. once he started to kiss right above my bra line, i had enough.

"jack, get off."

i jabbed my right hip up, trying to nudge him off me.

"calm down scarlett." he said.

he took one of his hands off my wrists and moved it to my thigh, holding it down. he now had my arms pinned with one hand, and was holding my leg down with the other.

he used his hand on my leg to begin unbuttoning the buttons on my skirt, while still kissing me all over.

"seriously jack, get off me." i said, more stern than before.

he didn't listen to me, and just replied with a "you're fine."

he brought his lips to mine, and began to kiss me. i didn't kiss back, not wanting to do this with him at all.

he removed his grip from my wrists, and went to take off my bra. with my hands free, i started to shove him and punch him in the shoulder.

"get off me!" i yelled, in between my punches.

nothing was working. he'd fall back a little after a shove or punch, and then pick himself right back up. my efforts had no affect on what he was doing, for he was still able to unclasp my bra, and remove it.

i immediately stopped punching him, and covered myself.

he yanked my hands off my chest, and used his left hand to pin them back above my head. with his right hand, he brought it up in the air, and then slapped me across the face.

the force of his hand hurt a lot, and i felt tears forming in my eyes.

"don't punch me scarlett!" he yelled. "i know you want to do this, you even said so at school. you're just crossed right now, you're brain is getting you mixed up."

"please jack." i begged, feeling some tears fall from my eyes.

"kathryn and johnson are probably doing the exact same thing downstairs, just let this happen."

i tried to say something again, but my throat closed up, and i started crying.

gilinsky sat up, and started to tug at his pants. he yanked them down, leaving him in his boxers.

"i-i don't want to do this." i choked out, barley audible.

he ignored me, and pulled down his boxers.

"are you ready?" he asked.

he grabbed my underwear, and slid them down my legs. both of us were completely naked.

"no! please, please, please no. get off of me!" i begged, yet it didn't work.

jack propped himself up on top of me, and with one movement, pushed himself into me.

at that moment, i felt nothing. i lied down lifeless under jack, giving up. his moans and grunts were the only things that could be heard in the room, and i hated it.

tears silently streamed down my face, i can't believe this is happening right now.

i can't believe im being raped, by jack gilinsly.


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