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"oh scarlett, let me take your bag!" lisa offered, grabbing my duffle bag from my hands and began walking to the guest room.

grayson took me home from school, and im currently getting situated in his house. i'll be staying here for the next couple days, and im super appreciative of it.

"thank you so much." i thanked lisa, walking behind her.

we both entered the guest room and she threw my bag down onto the bed.

i was about to leave before she grabbed my shoulder, stopping me from going anywhere.

"scarlett honey, can i ask you something?" she said.

"yeah, of course." i replied, instantly getting nervous.

she sat down on the guest bed, and patted the spot next to her, indicating for me to sit down.

i carefully sat down next to her, and let her talk.

"please don't get mad at me for asking this, it's just been on my mind recently. is everything okay at home for you?" she asked.

my eyes immediately widened, i was not expecting that at all. i was expecting her to ask me if i like grayson or something, not this.

so that means grayson hasn't told her about anything thats been going on, he's been keeping my secret. what did he tell her to get her to let me stay here?

"um, yeah, i guess. did grayson say why i was coming over?"

"yeah, he said your parents were away on some business trip. i'm in no way of accusing y'all of lying, but it seems weird that they go on so many business trips together."

i nodded my head, and let out a breath.

"mrs. dolan, if i tell you something, can you promise me you'll keep it a secret? like don't tell anyone, even ethan. grayson's the only one who knows about this." i said.

i guess im about to tell her what has been happening.

"yeah- yeah of course honey."

"okay. so about 3 years ago, both of my parents died in a car accident-"

lisa gasped really loudly, and then put her hand over her mouth.


"no it's okay."

"go on."

"anyways, after that my brother kind of became my legal guardian. he dropped out of college to take care of me, and lost everyone in the process of doing so. the stress of taking care of me and the guilt of not finishing college and leaving his girlfriend, basically consumed him. he started selling drugs for money, and became a druggie, and an alcoholic. one day, i woke up for school, thinking it was going to be a normal day. i walked into his room to say bye, when i heard water running. i opened the door to his room and he w- was, in the bath-bathtub-"

i cut myself off, beginning to cry.

lisa pulled me into a hug, "it's okay to cry."

"i-im sorry."

"shhh, don't be sorry. it's okay, okay?"

i nodded my head, and sat back up. i wiped away the tears under my eyes, and decided to cut to the chase of the story.

"i'm sorry about that, wow. im going to cut right to the chase, he killed himself, and i had to be the one to find him. i have no parents or a brother, and i'm on my own now."

"oh sweetie, listen to me, you can stay her for however long you need! i don't care if you end up staying here for 6 months, the rest of the family and i adore you." lisa said, giving me a hug.

"there's something else i've been kind of wanting to get off my chest, but this one is a bigger secret that you have to promise to keep. not even grayson knows." i started.

"yes of course, what's it about."

"it's about one of grayson and ethans friends, jack gilinsky."


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