8 (texts)

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mommy💓: hey baby boy!! how u doin?

baby boy💛: im doing good!! thank u sm for telling aunt kat about my headspace for me;;

mommy💓: ofc!! also
> have u been following all the rules i finally set for you when in headspace?

Mark chewed on his bottom lip.
Had he been following her rules?

Amys rules were as follows:

1. No cursing while in headspace.
2. Do not talk back to mommy, she only wants what's best for baby.
3. Bedtime is by at least 10:00 o'clock sharp. When baby and mommy are together, bedtime is 9:00, latest is 11:00 o'clock.
4. Remember, it's okay to be in headspace, never think you have to hide it.
5. If you ever have any questions, ask mommy!
6. Do not lie to mommy, ever.
7. If you happen to run out of anything, let mommy take care of that. Not baby, we don't wanna stress baby out.
8. Note that these rules can and will change.

If he broke any rules, he had to write lines.
He winced just thinking about it.
Had he broken any? Maybe the cursing one.

baby boy💛: i think i broke rule #1 a few times:(

mommy💓: you broke the first, most important rule?

baby boy💛: on accident!! i swear, i fell into headspace while editing and when i messed up, my anger got the best of me..

mommy💓: i understand baby boy. but i can't let that slide.
> so, only write 10 lines, you can have one plushy while you write them.
>write, "no cursing in headspace, no matter the situation." and do not try to make that any shorter than it is.
>ill be over later to see if you did them. okay?

baby boy💛: okay mommy,,, i love u

mommy💓: i love you more
>now write those lines, honey

Mark bit his bottom lip as he closed his phone and slid off his bed, getting on the floor, he reached under his bed and pulled a notebook out from under it, on the front was the words, written by Amy;

Baby's Line Writing.

He couldn't help but smile as he grabbed his septic eye Sam plush and stood up, a pencil already attached to it, he sat at his desk and began writing.

"No cursing in headspace, no matter the situation."
At least it was only ten lines.



next chapter should be more abt a suggestion i got. thank you :)


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