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You and Michael didn't say another word to each other the whole night and you ended up sleeping with your backs to each other. You spent the whole night wide awake wondering what he was hiding from you. You looked at the clock. 5:45am. Rolling over to face Michael you turn to see an empty side where your boyfriend usually sleeps. You sat up rubbing your eyes and stretching your arms before reaching over to look at your phone. No missed calls and no texts.

You got out of bed and headed to the lounge area hoping you'd find him sitting on the sofa playing Pokemon. He wasn't there. You noticed a note on the counter in the kitchen, practically running to it get it you picked it up and began to read:

"Headed out for a bit, needed to clear my head, not sure when I'll be back. Mikey x"

You felt your heart sink. Picking up your phone that was placed on the countertop you began to find Michael in your contacts before pressing the "call" button. As the phone rang on your phone, you heard a familiar ringtone coming from your bedroom. "For gods sake Michael" you muttered under your breath before hanging up the phone and walking into yours and Michaels bedroom where you saw his phone on charge on the white desk that sat opposite your bed. "I'm going to kill that boy".

After getting dressed and putting on a little bit of makeup, you decided to grab some tea in a flask and head over to Michael's parents house to see if they could help you figure out what Mikey was hiding from you. His parents house was only 10 minutes away from your apartment but you decided that if anyone was going to know what was going on in his head it would be them. You grabbed your keys, your phone and your flask and headed down to the garages under your apartment building and got in your car. As you drove off you thought about how you'd only ever met Michael's parents twice before because he always said they didn't agree with the whole concept of him being in a band so he didn't see them that often. As you pulled into the driveway of his parents beach side house house, you shut off the car and fixed up your hair in the mirror. You sank back into the chair and sighed, knowing Michael was going to hate you for coming to his parents for advice, but you were stuck and you needed to know what was wrong. You got out the car and walked up to the front door knocking lightly on the grey wood. Michael's mum opened the door and looked at you with a confused expression. "(y/n)?...Michael's not here.." She said slowly. "I know," you began, "I actually came to talk to you about Michael if that's okay?" She hesitated before opening the door wider and letting you in. She gestured towards the big grey sofas and you sat down on the one opposite from her. "You see, ever since we got here from London, Michael's been acting strangely an-" she interrupted you, "he's never exactly been normal has he?" You both laughed before you continued, "Well no, but, I keep asking him if he wants to go out places while we're here and he always says no, that he wants to stay in our apartment all day," you sighed. "I don't mind spending days at home with him but we've only been here 4 days and we haven't been out anywhere. I confronted him about it but he raised his voice and told me he didn't want to talk about it." She sat forward slightly placing the coffee she had been holding on the table between you both. "He left me a note this morning telling me he'd gone out and didn't know when he'd be back and he left his phone at home, so right now, I have no idea where he is..and I'm worried." His mum moved onto the sofa next to you and put her arm around you. "He just needs to clear his head," she explained, "he won't go anywhere far, I can promise you." "But do you know why he doesn't want to go anywhere or why he won't tell me?" "I don't think it's my place to tell you (y/n), let Michael tell you himself, he will in time, and you'll understand, just know he's only trying to protect you." You froze. What was he trying to protect you from?

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