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You lay in bed replaying the words of Michael's mum over and over in your head. "He's only trying to protect you." From what? Why do I need protecting?

"Shit." Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of hushed cursing in your kitchen. Michael. You jumped out of bed and ran over to the door. You slowly opened it and leant against the door frame, crossing your arms. He was stood there hunched over, gripping onto the kitchen counter with his head hanging between his arms. "Nice to see you came home." "Don't start with me, (y/n)" Michael snapped. "Don't start with you? Michael, I woke up on my own this morning not knowing where the hell you were, all I had was a note telling me you were 'clearing your head'" you acted out the inverted commas with your fingers. "And don't even get me started on the fact you left your phone here!" With one swift movement Michael knocked the glass that was on the counter onto the floor where it smashed just in front of your feet, "SHUT UP (Y/N) OKAY? JUST SHUT UP YOU SOUND LIKE MY MUM."

Your whole body tensed up, you were in complete shock. Michael had never shouted at you, he'd raised his voice but it never got to shouting. "YEAH WELL YOUR MUM WAS A LOT MORE HELP TO ME THAN YOU WERE TODAY!" You were shouting back at him now. Michael glared at you, his face was full of anger and his body was tensed up. He stormed towards you and grabbed one of your wrists and pinned it up to the wall with his hand. "What did you say?" He wasn't shouting anymore but his voice was deep and his face was just inches from yours. The smell of cigarettes and alcohol coming from Michael hit you in the face. You tried to wriggle free from his grip but it was no use. "I said, I went to see your mum today and she was trying to help me figure out what's wrong with you but she wouldn't tell me what's going on in that head of yours." He let go of your wrist and walked away towards the kitchen counter, both his hands in fists. "WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU GO AND SEE MY MUM WITHOUT ASKING ME FIRST?" "Because I needed someone to talk to, Michael, you weren't here and I'm worried about you, your mum was the only person I could think of that would know you well enough to help me figure you out." You could feel a lump forming in your throat, you were about to cry. Michael laughed. "Pfft, she wouldn't know a thing about me anymore." He was leaning against the counter with his arms crossed. "Please Michael, I just want to know why you don't want to go out places with me while we're here?" You squeaked. "JUST GIVE IT A REST WILL YOU? SO WHAT I DONT WANT TO GO PLACES, BIG DEAL." He raised his voice to a shout again. You couldn't hold back the tears anymore. You started crying. You watched Michael's face drop as soon as he realised what he had done. He rushed up to you and wrapped his arms around your body, stroking your hair with one of his hands. "Shhh, baby, don't cry, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to shout." You wriggled yourself free from Michael's grip. "But you did Michael, and you can't take it back, you practically threw a glass at me." "(y/n).." "You need to go Michael, you can't stay here tonight."

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