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You stared at your feet trying to avoid awkward eye contact with Luke, although you could feel his stare basically burning through you. "I think we better get going, (y/n), don't you?" Luke suddenly spoke up. "Uh, yeah, it was, um, nice to see you, Harry" you stuttered trying not to make eye contact with him or Luke. "Bye." You went to walk away but you felt someone's hand grab yours. You turned to look at your hand and then up at Harry who was looking at you and holding your hand. "Don't be a stranger, (y/n), we should get a coffee some time when I'm out of here." Harry grinned. You loosened up slightly. "Yeah, that would be really nice." You sighed, smiling back at him. You leaned over and pecked his cheek almost forgetting Luke was still in the room. "See you soon, Harry." "And you, (y/n)"

You walked out of Harry's room with Luke following close behind you. You heard Luke clear his throat behind you when you got outside the hospital. You rolled your eyes and turned on your heels to face him. "What is it Luke?" You sighed. He frowned and squinted his eyes as if he was confused. "What is it?!" He raised his voice, "You just practically made out with a guy who almost killed your boyfriend?" "Okay well first, me and Michael are broken up, so my ex-boyfriend and secondly, we did NOT make out, it was barely a peck" You said rolling your eyes again and continuing to walk towards Luke's car. He sped up his walk so he was walking next to you, "so you don't care that he tried to kill Michael, no?" Luke said. "Of course I care, it's just, maybe Michael takes things a bit too far sometimes, in fact, you KNOW he takes things too far Luke, he practically attacked you in the bar the other night and now you're defending him? What's with that?" You ranted at Luke. You watched Luke play with his lip ring, which was common for him when he was nervous or stuck for things to say. You didn't say a word to each other the whole walk back to the car.

When you got into Luke's car you pulled out your phone.

'One Text. Two Missed Calls.' Michael.

You decided to read the text first as it was sent after he had called you.

"How could you do this to me?" You read.

You opened the message to see it had a picture attached. It was a screenshot of an article in which the headline read "Aussie band members girl moves onto British bad boy?" Oh no. You glanced down and saw the picture that accompanied the article. It was a picture taken through the window of a hospital room, and it showed you and Harry kissing and looking slightly cosy. Shit.

You instantly dialled Michaels number knowing you owed him an explanation, and a good one at that.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

The phone went to Michael's voicemail.

"Hi! It's Michael! Sorry I can't be on the phone right now but leave a message and I'll get back to you!"

You sighed at the sound of his voice, it was one of the many things you loved about him.

"Hi Michael, it's (y/n), I really need to talk to you about that article, call me back when you can?" You paused. "I love you." You hung up.

You let out a big sigh and looked at Luke who was slouched in his seat one hand on the steering wheel and his phone in the other hand. "Luke, I'm worried." You breathed. "(y/n).." He began. "No Luke, you know what Michaels been through before, what if I pushed him over the edge again? I could never forgive myself.." "I'm sure he's fine.." Luke reached over and placed his hand on your shoulder. "I'm going to check my 'Find My Friends' app, just to see where he is, I want to make sure he's ok," you said as you quickly fumbled through your phone bringing up the app and clicking Michaels name. The app loaded Michaels location and you felt your heart sink as you watched the little dot that indicated Michael flash.

The purple dot showed you that Michael was currently on the edge of town, alone, standing on an train track.

"Luke," you whispered, trying not to cry. "We need to get to the train track on the edge of town, now, before it's too late.."

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