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You watched Michael pack up a bag of things and leave that night. He tried begging for forgiveness multiple times while he was stuffing things into his duffle bag but you just ignored him. You couldn't forgive him, not tonight anyway.

As you finally heard the door shut behind him you collapsed onto your bed and let out a big groan. Michael's actions tonight had made you so angry, you'd never seen him get like that before. You decided to take a hot shower to try and calm down. Turning on the shower, you got undressed and turned the dial to hot. As you walked under the hot water you felt your muscles relax.

When you got out the shower you decided to text your best friend back home. Picking up your phone that was on charge on your bed side you looked at your lock screen. It was a picture of you and Michael. "Oh Michael" you sighed. Sliding your phone to unlock it you went straight to messages and started typing out a message to your best friend.

"Things are tough here, I'll call you when things are better, missing you! (y/n) x"

Send. You set your phone back down on the top of your clothes drawers and decided to get in some comfy shorts and a baggy t-shirt before pulling your damp hair into a messy bun. You got into bed and turned on the TV that was on the wall facing yours and Michael's bed. You flicked through the channels. "Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope." There was nothing you wanted to watch on TV. Letting out a big sigh you flicked off the TV and picked up your phone again. 8 missed calls and 1 Voicemail message. From Michael. "Ugh." You dialled your voicemail and listened to the message Michael had left.

"(y/n), it's Michael" "yeah I have caller ID, idiot." You muttered during the pause in the message. "I really need to talk to you, I know what I did was wrong and I'm so sorry, I, just, please let me back in, I can't sleep tonight if I'm not with you" BEEP. You sighed, clicking onto your iMessage chat with Michael you started typing.

"I got your voicemail, where are you?"

"I'm outside the apartment building, please let me in"

"Stay there, I'm coming downstairs"

Putting on your fluffy slippers and grabbing the keys to your apartment you walked out the door and headed downstairs to the front door of your apartment block. You walked out the door, and looked around. He wasn't anywhere in sight. "Michael?" You called out. You heard drunk mumbling and then you spotted him. On the floor leaning against a wall with a beer bottle in his hand taking sips from it every few seconds.

"Michael, what the hell are you doing?" You raised your voice slightly and began slowly walking towards him. He set the beer bottle down next to him and got up, picking up his duffle bag and pulling it onto his shoulder as he began walking towards you. You stopped leaving distance between you. "(y/n), thank you so much for letting me back in, I'm so so-" You cut him off. "Hang on a minute, I never said I was going to let you back in, I came down here to give you chance to explain." He ran his fingers through his gingery brown hair and then tugged at the sleeves of his black and white striped top. "I was mad, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to smash the glass in your direction, I would never try to hurt you, I love you (y/n)" "don't say that, Michael" "But, I do, I promise I do," He reached out his hand and tried to place it on the top of your arm just below your shoulder. You took a step back. "Michael, you're drunk, don't tell me you love me when you're drunk." "I'm not drunk, I had one bottle.." "Is that including the ones you had when you stumbled into the apartment earlier?" You questioned him, he wasn't getting away with this. "Okay so maybe I've had four tonight, but I caught up with some friends earlier and we had a few drinks.." "A few? Michael you practically fell in the door earlier" "I did not!" You turned your back to him and began walking away, he was drunk and it was just lies after lies. "(y/n) please don't leave me out here again.." You heard his voice trail off and you heard him sniff. You turned your head to look at him. He was crying. "I need you."

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