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So many questions ran through your mind.

How did he know where you were? What did he want?

Why was he attacking Michael?

Harry moved his hands off Michael and turned to you chuckling. "Come to protect your little boyfriend here have you?" His accent sounded stronger than before. "Well I'm sorry but he's too drunk to even know who you are right now." "H-h-harry..." You stuttered. "Why are you doing this to him?" "Doing what (y/n)? We're just playing around, we're friends remember?" Harry said taking a few steps towards you. You noticed Michael's head dropping forward and his back sliding down the fence. He dropped to the floor. "MICHAEL" you shouted running over to him and running your hand through his hair and placing your other hand on his cheek. "Michael, are you okay?" You whispered placing your forehead on his, "Michael, come on answer me." You felt a tear roll down your cheek. "It's no use (y/n), he's out of it, he's completely passed out, he w-" You interrupted Harry, "SHUT UP HARRY, YOU DID THIS TO HIM, SHUT UP." You felt Harry's large hand grip around the top of your arm. "Let. Go. Of. Me." You demanded. Harry moved next to you and pulled your arm so you were standing facing him and his back was to Michael. "C'mon (y/n), it doesn't have to be like this, he doesn't care about you, walk away, be with someone who makes you happy.." Harry brought his hand to your face and wiped a tear off of your cheek. You shuddered at his touch. You sniffed and said "Michael makes me happy Harry, leave us alone, we can be happy if you just leave us a-" you were interrupted by Harry falling to the floor clutching his side. You noticed Michael behind him with one fist clenched and his gaze watching Harry.

Michael walked over to Harry on the floor and squatted down beside him with one knee resting on the floor. He grabbed Harry's chin and forced it so Harry's face was facing him. "Don't you DARE lay another hand on my girlfriend, got it Styles?" Harry didn't say a word, he just whimpered in pain. You watched Michael as he let go of Harry and stood up again meeting his eyes with yours. His face changed from angry to apologetic within seconds.

He stepped over Harry who was rolling around on the floor and stood just in front of you. "(y/n)..." He began, "I'm so sorry, I don't know what to say, I just..." His voice trailed off and he lifted his hand and scratched the back of his head. "Michael, were you drinking with Harry?" You squeaked, you still had tears rolling down your cheeks. "(y/n).." "Tell me the truth Michael." You raised your voice slightly, warning Michael you weren't playing around. "Yeah..he was being friendly and I was stressed bu-" "Michael, you know he isn't friendly, you know what being around him does to you" "I forgot (y/n) okay? I forgot, I remembered the old him, before he bullied me. He spiked my drink tonight and then attacked me. You have to believe me, please." He said as he took a few steps towards you. "Michael, I don't know if I can, you've lied to me so many times in the past few days, I don't know if I can trust you anymore.." You watched Michael's face drop. "You can, I promise you can!" Michael said as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you into his chest. He stroked your hair as you cried into his plaid shirt.

You and Michael stood in that embrace for a while before you heard a car come screeching into the loading bay. The car swerved and faced you and Michael, the headlights blinding you both. You squinted trying to work out who was in the car, but by Michael's actions you guessed he already knew. He stepped in front of you as an act of protection and grabbed hold of your hand. "Don't. Move." He whispered. You didn't dare.

You watched as Harry struggled to get up off the floor. When he finally did he made his way over to the car that was still facing you and Michael with its engine running. You peered past Michael and watched as a tall dark figure got out of the car and stood next to it. He was holding something in his hand but you couldn't make out what. As Harry approached him they exchanged hushed statements and then the dark figure and Harry began walking towards you and Michael.

They stopped in the space between the car and you. You could now see the face of Harry's friend. He was tall, dark and handsome with a small amount of stubble and a lot of tattoos. Even more than Harry. He was holding whatever was in his hand behind his back.

"Zayn." Michael said nodding his ahead. "Quiet Clifford." Harry said almost immediately. Harry leaned towards Zayn and said something to him before he handed Harry what he was hiding behind his back. You heard a loud click and then you saw it. Pointed at you and Michael. Michael let go of your hand and took a step forward.

"Go on Harry, shoot me. I dare you."

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