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When you arrived at your hotel in New York, you and Michael got settled into your room and then collapsed on the bed, you were both jet-lagged after the long flight and because of the time difference. You got under the covers next to Michael and snuggled up to him placing your hand on his chest and your head just under his in the crook of his neck. You were both silent and the only noise filling the room was the sound of sirens and horns from the traffic outside your window.

You decided to break the silence and look up at Michael. You propped yourself up with your left elbow and kept your right palm rested on Michael's chest. "What ya thinking about Mikey?" You said as you looked up at him smiling. He brought his hand to your cheek and rubbed his thumb along the top of your cheek-bone. "You." He said. "No, what are you really thinking about?" You knew him too well. "Everything," he sighed. "The past week and everything that's happened and how we had to run away from somewhere I used to love just because one person there was tearing my world apart.." He trailed off. "I just wish we could find somewhere where we're both happy, this whole thing is making me stressed." "I'm happy wherever you're happy Michael." You said as you smiled at him. He kissed your forehead, "now go to sleep, we've got a busy day planned tomorrow." You laid your head back into the crook of his neck and fell asleep.

You woke up with your face against the cold pillow and could no longer feel the warmth of your boyfriend sleeping next to you. You reached your hand out to try and search for Michael on the side of the bed he was laid in when you fell asleep. Nothing. You slowly opened your eyes and looked at the clock. 2:35am. You sighed. "Michaaaellll." You groaned. "Not again."

You got up and put on your vans before grabbing the hotel room key and your phone before heading out the door and down to the lobby. You and Michael both fell asleep in your clothes last night so you didn't bother getting changed. You made your way to the reception area before walking up to the lady who was behind the desk. "Hi, how can I help you?" She greeted you. "Hi, um, did you see a tall, messy haired boy in a plaid shirt walk through here earlier?" She paused. "Yes, he walked out the front doors about 45 minutes ago, on his own, he didn't look very stable, he was v-" "What do you mean he didn't look stable?" You interrupted. "He couldn't walk in a straight line, he almost looked.." She paused again, "drunk."

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