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"Oh my god I'm actually going to kill him" you grunted, "um okay thank you for your help" you said to the lady behind the desk before practically running out the front door.

You didn't even know where to start looking, you were in a huge city you've never been to before, Michael could be anywhere. You pulled out your phone and started dialling Michael's number. It rang for what felt like forever before Michael answered the phone. "(y/n)" he slurred. "Michael, where are you? tell me where you are." You demanded down the phone. You heard some slurred words before the line cut off. You looked at your phone,"call ended." You sighed.

You started heading towards the venue Michael's band were playing at in a few weeks, figuring Michael might be there as you knew the team had organised some all night rehearsals. You tried calling Michael a few more times on your way but he didn't pick up.

When you arrived at the venue you headed to the stage door and explained to the security guard that you were Michael's girlfriend and you needed to get backstage to help out with some pre-show stuff. He hesitated before saying he recognised you and letting you in.

You hurried around the backstage area trying to find someone to ask them if they had seen Michael. Suddenly you heard some laughter. It sounded like Ashton, you'd notice that laugh anywhere. Following the sound of it you came to what was going to be the boys dressing room, you knocked on the door and walked straight in. You saw Ashton, Luke & Calum sat on a sofa placed in the middle on the room. "Hi guys," you said trying to get your breath back. "Have any of you seen Michael?" "Yeah, he's around here somewhere..everything ok (y/n)?" Ashton asked. "Huh? yeah it's just I woke up and Michael wasn't in our room so I figured he'd be here" you said faking a smile. "Oh well yeah he went that way," Ashton said pointing to the right. "Thanks guys!" You said as you ran off in the direction he had said.

You ran down the hall until you came to a fire exit. There were no rooms down the hall past the dressing room so you figured Michael must be outside. You pushed open the doors and squinted as the single bright outside light lit up the loading bay. You looked around praying you'd see your boyfriend leaning against the fence or something. He was nowhere to be seen. You were about to go back inside when you heard the sound of something hitting the fence. Your head shot in the direction of the noise. You could see two black figures, one that looked like Michael facing you and the figure of someone else facing Michael, but you couldn't make out who.

You started running towards the black outlines. As you got closer you could tell it was definitely Michael, but it was still too dark to identify who the other figure was. As you got close enough you slowed down and kept your distance. You noticed Michaels eyes were heavy, his body was floppy and he was slouched against the fence like a rag doll. The other person had their fists on Michaels collarbones and their face not far from his.

As you slowly approached them the figure felt your presence and turned around. You recognised them instantly and froze on the spot. The curly hair, the bandana, the tattoos.


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